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Everything posted by CDAK

  1. Not that it matters much, but is there a way to choose which of my tix I contribute to the pool? For example, if I have 300 tix and contribute 150 to the pool, I can't figure out how to choose which 150 I want to contribute.
  2. The "free market" is not the driver of housing costs in Austin. Local codes and regulations restrict the market. For example, the codes and regs prevent building a duplex or a building over X height in certain neighborhoods. [I don't think you're actually a "free market guy."]
  3. I can't respond to all the comments. I can reiterate my position one more time. You're justifying the deadly force with all the comments about secret service, secured area, etc. That's a separate argument from whether they used more or less force compared to other protests. Killing someone is a higher level of force than hitting 100 with a baton in my opinion. Fee free to disagree as Hobbes did.
  4. This is justification for a higher use of force, which may have been necessary (I don't know). But it's in tension with the guy's point that the cops used less force against the Trump protestors. Your first sentence is interesting. I wonder if a smaller police presence results in more shootings.
  5. I'm not trolling or posting in bad faith. I think bullets are a higher level of force than batons, tear gas, pepper spray, etc. Killing a person with a bullet is a higher level of force than pepper spraying 1,000 people - at least to me. Did the woman killed have a gun or any type of weapon? The police can protect federal buildings without shooting and killing people. Protestors in Portland tried to enter a federal building day after day. Shockingly, the police didn't have to kill any of them (again, please correct me if I'm wrong about that). [I don't know why you moved the post as I just disagreed with a take of yours on the other thread. I quoted you and disagreed. But you're moving the thread because I want to talk politics?]
  6. But now you're arguing that the higher level of force used yesterday was justified due to the circumstances. Your prior point was that cops used less force against the white, Trump supporters.
  7. No, I guess I'm just that dumb. There were people trying to enter a federal courthouse in Oregon day after day. None were shot and killed by police. (At least to my knowledge please correct me if I'm wrong). I wish we could have less forceful police presence at protests but perhaps a smaller force results in a greater likelihood of shootings. So you're drawing a distinction between different types of law enforcement? Cops v. secret service agents. That's not compelling to me.
  8. I see this sentiment popping up everywhere. The police shot and killed one of the protestors at the Capitol yesterday. A white female Trump supporter. That's pretty fucking significant force. Across all the racial justice protests in 2020, I can't recall one person being shot and killed by the police. There was that guy in Oregon who shot and killed one of the proud boys who the police later shot and killed, but that wasn't at a protest. Were there any others (legitimate question)? I'd take pepper spray over a bullet every day.
  9. Team Facebook. The FTC approved the WhatsApp and IG purchases when they occurred. Now, the FTC is saying the mergers violate competition law? Many people and government actors dislike FB. Look at all the comments here about polarization, users are the product, platforms should be responsible for the content users upload, etc. These reasons for dislike have nothing to do with competition law. The FTC and state AGs shouldn't be twisting competition law to target FB because they dislike FB.
  10. Interesting article about the potential destruction of ancient Armenian cultural buildings, monuments, etc. in the disputed area. https://www.wsj.com/articles/cultural-heritage-in-the-crosshairs-once-more-11605731198?cx_testId=3&cx_testVariant=cx_4&cx_artPos=0#cxrecs_s
  11. I think the market's reacting to the GOP holding serve in Congress, particularly if the GOP is able to maintain an edge in the Senate. The prospects of significantly increased taxes and regulations are down when compared to pre-election prognostications. Bulls like divided government. So, the market is up considerably over the past couple of days.
  12. CDAK

    EPL 2020-21

    The classic Ayling flop. We dominated for stretches of the game but couldn't put anything away. Bamford should have had a goal or two. Leicester simply better when it counted.
  13. I don't know about herpes but syphilis went from new world to old. I think it's the one disease that's been identified that the Europeans brought back from the new world, and then promptly spread everywhere else.
  14. Great stab. Game would've gotten interesting if that had gone through.
  15. I thought it was 8-4, maybe 7-5. The judge who had Lopez at 119 is insane and should be removed from further fights. Loma has nobody but himself and his camp to blame. Round 1 is worth just as much on the cards as round 11.
  16. Yeah, it might be close on the cards actually.
  17. If Loma had simply been fighting since round 1, it would be really close
  18. The plan to give away rounds early is just dumb
  19. Round 8 to Loma. But he's so far behind, he needs a stoppage at this point.
  20. 6-0. Loma's corner better be telling him he can't afford to avoid fighting any more.
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