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Everything posted by CDAK

  1. Agreed, he's in a big hole on the card. He's going to have to get really aggressive late.
  2. I think you're thinking about round 1 or 3 but it doesn't really matter. I think it's 4-0, or at worst 3-1, for Teo.
  3. I think that's 4-0. Loma is digging himself quite a hole on the scorecards.
  4. Round 2 was the closest round. No way it was 10-8. A friendly judge could have given the second to Loma.
  5. Lopez aint doing a lot of damage but I think he's winning all these rounds on the score cards. 3-0.
  6. I think that's 2-0, for Teo. 2nd round closer though.
  7. Does Loma plan on just giving the early rounds to Lopez?
  8. I'm not predicting a Lopez victory. If the odds were even, I'd take Loma. I just think there's value at +333 or +350 on Lopez. He's younger, stronger, bigger, and just as quick.
  9. I think Lopez +333 is the bet. If it was neutral odds, I'd probably take Loma in a decision, but I think the value is on Lopez at +333. Loma has the edge on technique but I'll always take the just as quick and more powerful younger fighter with a chip on his shoulder over the slightly more technical older fighter.
  10. Many people, myself included, prefer a process or at least a set of principles for dealing with issues that will arise in the future. It adds some predictability and order. Dealing with everything in a vacuum on an ad hoc basis is not sustainable. So, it's only natural to try to divine principles or rules for future scenarios when assessing a current scenario.
  11. I don't think this is right. Do you have a cite? Looking at their 2019 annual report, they had about 74 billion in total net revenue. Your numbers would put their total net revenue at 547.5 billion, approximately7x-8x more than their actual revenues.
  12. I think that's changing. I won't get into the specifics because that's outside the scope of this thread. But, to give a brief high-level overview, I work at a pretty large company and receive racial justice training, messaging, counseling sessions, meetings, etc. on a near daily frequency. There certainly is not a "pound sand" attitude toward people making demands.
  13. I like the Eyes and don't think it's racist. I also don't think we should stop doing things that have some Kevin Bacon style connection to racism. But, I think the players ultimately will get their way. Jumping in front of the racial justice bulldozer in 2020 takes a really strong backbone, and I don't think CDC and the admin have that backbone.
  14. CDAK

    EPL 2020-21

    As someone who is a casual fan of a non big 6 team, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. My initial inclination was to be against the proposal when I read it was from ManU and Liverpool, but that's probably unfair to judge the proposal by the submitters. After reading slightly more, it seems like my initial instinct was correct, however. It's really annoying that they threatened to leave the EPL. Are we already that far along in an protracted negotiation that teams are threatening to leave the league?
  15. Also team Armenia, at least in the sense that I hope the Armenians living in the disputed territory are not killed or forced to go to other parts of Armenia. I'm primarily team Armenia because Erdogan is a despot seemingly intent on continued imperialism and murder against Kurds, Cypriots, Armenians, etc. The West seems committed to continued appeasement. I hope someone, shit even Iran, decides against continued appeasement.
  16. I also signed up. Looks cool and entertaining.
  17. Thread should be merged with the doom/protest thread on Daily Texan. At one point, I think people thought that arguments should succeed or fail based on their merits. Today, it seems like many people feel the exact opposite. The merits are meaningless. What matters is the identity of the speaker.
  18. I'm just spitballing. I'm not involved in policing, prosecution, or law enforcement. The state could have a law or agreements with local towns mandating that for any county under a certain size, allegations of crimes against a police officer must be immediately reported to a certain state office. Or a small town could have an agreement with a nearby larger city. I think it would be appropriate for large cities and states to have separate and independent law enforcement and prosecutors who investigate criminal allegations against police officers.
  19. I live in Washington state. The Republican nominee running for governor, Loren Culp, is the police chief in Republic, WA. He is the police chief of a force of one. He's the only person on the force. If he committed a crime, obviously he couldn't investigate himself. With these tiny town police forces, it is only logical that an outside person has to come in to investigate the suspect. It's no different than a small town DA's office. If there are 2 DAs in the town, it's not credible for DA 1 to prosecute DA 2. You have to bring in someone from the outside.
  20. An out of the way beach area in Texas is not going to turn into downtown San Francisco because SpaceX moves in.
  21. It's sad that there doesn't seem to be anyone that will back any of the countries, groups, and ethnicities that Turkey invades and murders. We immediately vacate time and time again when Turkey attacks the Kurds. Turkey invaded and colonized Cyprus in the 70s. Still there. Not much resistance. Now, it seems like Armenia's two most likely protectors are fucking Russia and Iran.
  22. I completely accept that his comment last night was a gaffe or mistake. Perhaps he got caught up in the moment and misspoke. I tend to believe what people say rather than re-write their quotes for them, as you chose to do.
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