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  1. Hi. That was fun. Yes my fingers didn’t work after a few cocktails this am waiting to eat
  2. ....
  3. No But thanks for the compliment
  4. i was at the LF tailgate after the game -- walked over and said hi to Imma and then scurried away.. (and @closetojumping - i brought the mustache back as the wife was Out of Town - alas its gone again - into the ether)
  5. when did you buy these? ive had calls go up when the underlying goes down because implieds were getting bid higher .. just last week i watched some strikes in GME puts GO UP while the underlying was going up 100% - thats because IV was getting bid thru the roof - its also why i missed the short side of the trade because puts were way too expensive so much so that a few strikes lost money even though the name was falling. also be very careful going short gamma (selling calls/puts) - may sure you have plan and btw what happened in GME happens ALL the time - obviously not to that extreme but when you add in variance swaps and dealers short enormous amts of gamma in index derivs - derivs will pin SPX levels :smoke bomb:
  6. Excellent
  7. personally i think they hid is face while he was eating and while he was walking out of the cave as an artistic choice .. but thats just me. probably get some kind of dramatic reveal towards the end of episode 9 if i had to guess.. ie they werent ready to reveal much more about el cuco than they did over episode 8
  8. the entire point of him taking over someone is to look exactly like that person .. so it reverberates thru their lives into those attached and associated the Original- the Grief eater. he doesnt just want to look human .. he wants the after affects of what happens when he "frames" some innocent person. watch the episode again .. they made a point to show el cuco's Claude hand w/ the Tattoos on the fingers .. he wasnt fully formed Claude because he was weak after not being able rest like its usually able to after a transformation.
  9. i think it was still transforming into Claude and was weak and needed real* food (a child) so he used that festival w/ the mask to hide that he wasn't quite cooked yet. *in the truck after eating the adult he told his helper he needed to feed (again)
  10. since nobody seems to be answering your question.. the reason Claude is "cloned" even though they had 6 cops around him is El cuco scratched claude in the Strip club while el cuco was still Terry Maitland right after he had eaten the first child. The Scratch to "mark" Claude as the next host happens in the first episode essentially.. he was scratched and El Cuco's transformation into Claude has been occurring over every episode .. its why its face still looked deformed in the screen shot they showed Ralph at the house..
  11. I was pretty clear that he wants someone to call *his* offense. What about him having second thoughts about bringing in GH because he doesn’t want to give up control is difficult to understand?
  12. Because he’s dangerously egotistical. So much so he wants someone to call *his* offense. Remember that magazine cover and he was drawing up plays? His entire identity is wrapped up in being an “offensive genius”. “The Tom Herman offense”. Seemingly his arrogance won’t allow him to cede ownership and it could cost him his “dream job”. Herman hiring GH would be a positive step showing not only does he not have all the answers but he also acknowledges he doesn’t have all the answers. it would show some growth. I don’t have high hopes for that growth. I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised.
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