It's simple dude. Non-Aggression Principle, Free Markets, Property Rights, Individualism and Liberty. Part of the liberty side I feel strongly about is economic liberty. That is the right to the fruits of your labor if earned honestly without force, fraud or deception. In this thread I'm really banging on the government intervention part because it's pretty easy to explain how they have diluted the value of our money with out of control spending and wasteful programs. I consider it stealing our tax dollars much like the farmer that dilutes his whole milk with water. Basic moral intuitions such as don't steal, don't lie, don't hit others get ignored when politicians and government officials do it and it's fucking insane that we all circle jerk around the political theater of them fucking us.
You can probably find multiple responses from myself going after badteammate's progressive agenda and rebutting him on the grounds of economic sanity and reality.
The 9/11 truther stuff I was about ways back. I've evolved on that and changed my mind on that. The government wasn't responsible, it was some radical terrorist extremists led by Osama Bin Laden. WTC 7 Falling was always a head scratcher. There.
Are you assholes human? Have you ever changed your mind over time? If you say you aren't, then fuck you, smoke a turd, and PM me for a dolla fitty.