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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. I agree with you.
  2. They'd be unhappy if somehow it led to regulation of cryptocurrency.
  3. Okay with letting people keep more of the money they earned? Yes. You seem to have the idea that the government owns all the fruits of your labor and *allows* you to keep 60-80% of it. Giving people *free* stuff? Come again? What are these things that you say are free?
  4. Jees it was just a question, you fuckers are **UN-THE FUCK-HINGED**
  5. It looks like Trump had a meeting with the same powers that be that JFK did, but didn’t storm out like Kennedy. Instead, he’s being a good little orange boy. That or he’s doing the bidding of the federal Reserve to get interest rates low to take credit for artificial economic prosperity for election points.
  6. The idea of anarchy and stateless societies are so appealing to those that go through atrocities such as this. Some actually argue that the police should be privatized.
  7. Anyone else not happy with Trump going after Bitcoin?
  8. You're distorting my position and like I guessed were trying to set me up with some gotcha moment regarding the Trump Tax Cuts. I'm for lower taxes for citizens and corporations, the lower the better. I suppose we can argue whether or not they did, but personally they seemed to have cut taxes because I got a marginally bigger return this year than last year. Also, I'm for less government spending and free trade (Trump's Tariffs suck.) Here is my take on reparations that was posted in the thread earlier which you seemed to have missed. Take Care.
  9. I do not support free college or reparations.
  10. I wanted to see if there was a link between Mises and Polanyi. I was recommended the book like an hour ago, and ain't no speed reader bruh. I really don't have an opinion on it, but respect Rothbard and recommended the critique to Fozz to see what he thought about it since he has likely read it.
  11. I'm cool with it, it lowered taxes. I think I got like an extra 1200$ this year back (from 300$ last year.) The problem is the government never cuts expenses, it just grows and grows and has zero incentive to ever LIMIT itself so that's why it's projected to raise the national debt. So there you go.
  12. I suppose I'm biased to see things through more of the Mises and Austrian-Economic lens, but I googled Mises and Polanyi and found this critique from Murray Rothbard that was written in 1961 that seems extremely thorough and interesting. https://mises.org/library/down-primitivism-thorough-critique-polanyi It's a long read so I'll touch on it later when i get some more time.
  13. Is this your "gotcha" way of trying to see if I support the Tax Cuts and Jobs act of 2017? Did it lower taxes for everyone?
  14. What specific government action are you referring to?
  15. It's simple dude. Non-Aggression Principle, Free Markets, Property Rights, Individualism and Liberty. Part of the liberty side I feel strongly about is economic liberty. That is the right to the fruits of your labor if earned honestly without force, fraud or deception. In this thread I'm really banging on the government intervention part because it's pretty easy to explain how they have diluted the value of our money with out of control spending and wasteful programs. I consider it stealing our tax dollars much like the farmer that dilutes his whole milk with water. Basic moral intuitions such as don't steal, don't lie, don't hit others get ignored when politicians and government officials do it and it's fucking insane that we all circle jerk around the political theater of them fucking us. You can probably find multiple responses from myself going after badteammate's progressive agenda and rebutting him on the grounds of economic sanity and reality. *ON THE 9/11 STUFF* The 9/11 truther stuff I was about ways back. I've evolved on that and changed my mind on that. The government wasn't responsible, it was some radical terrorist extremists led by Osama Bin Laden. WTC 7 Falling was always a head scratcher. There. Are you assholes human? Have you ever changed your mind over time? If you say you aren't, then fuck you, smoke a turd, and PM me for a dolla fitty.
  16. Both the government and the reckless lending practices of the banking institutions are responsible. Why are you trying to make it racial?
  17. Because that's the prerequisite into having any financial, economic or banking understanding whatsoever? Okay pal.
  18. Did you miss the part where I said banks extended loans to those they shouldn't have? Did you even bother reading the Cato article form Paul Wallison? Probably not, and it's ok. Glass-Steagall wasn't the cause. And I take offense to you're claim there's not much going on in my mind. That's just juvenile. If you look, you can find them.
  19. The Government Housing Policy led to the crisis. https://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/cato-journal/2010/5/cj30n2-12.pdf Basically, the fundamental cause of the crisis was you had banks that extended mortgages that shouldn't have been extended, the government's policies cited above pressed them to. Nice try though bud.
  20. So it's your claim that the partial repeal of Glass-Steagall was what led to it?
  21. Sure, but one entity uses their own money and personal capital and can go bankrupt and lose the capital, whereas the other uses force to gather their money via taxation to keep their structure intact and immune to market forces or risk. Quit being a little bitch. I'm blaming the meltdown in large part to the government's intervention that led to the reckless lending in the sub-prime mortgage market. You remember right? Everyone DESERVES A HOME. Sounds eerily similar to the unsustainable ideas of free college, free healthcare, UBI, and reparations. And the irony is that it was someone I'd presume you dislike: DUBYA, a republican. But I'm sure you *loved* the idea that everyone deserved a home right? I mean, if you're for Free College, The State taking your estate and redistributing it, Free HealthCare and UBI, You must have been for the GWB's promotion and push for home ownership no? https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/21/business/worldbusiness/21iht-admin.4.18853088.html
  22. privatize everything
  23. So you think it was right millions lost their 401ks, houses and pensions during the meltdown of 2008? IT DOESN"T MATTER BUT WILL SOMEDAY.. haha. IT"S OKAY WE NEEDED THE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION WHO CARES THEY ROBBED THE COMMON FOLK OF THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY. lol you're a fucking waste of time
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