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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. Or just vote Libertarian because no matter who you vote for, Trump or the winning Democrat, you still get John McCain [shill for MIC]
  2. Yep. I'm just responding to Hugo how I think he would respond to his alter-ego, polar opposite, die hard conservative self.
  3. All of which will not be President.
  4. Has Trump or any of the other Democratic candidates been as vocal about ending war as she has? How many have criticized Trump for being Saudi’s Arabia’s bitch, as she put it, and enabling them to commit the atrocities in Yemen? If you are saying that her position that Trump and most Democratic candidates are the same regarding their skirting of these issues (which, you know...result in MAJOR LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE) is hogwash, then I respectfully disagree. According to CNN, she’s tied at 2% with Booker But you wouldn’t know it by the coverage she’s received.
  5. I suppose so, but care to comment on her policies or the video? Or just troll and make comments with jack shit for substance.
  6. Hah, I shared this with Fozz through PM. Rumor has it she deleted it to appease the DNC, but it’s been Retweeted quite a bit. I just don’t understand how any Democrat who watches this thinks she’s insincere or not genuine in her passion for peace. Her heart’s in this shit for all the right reasons.
  7. You seem to be heavily invested in this deal. Guess what? Most politicians and Presidents are/were professional criminals, this isn’t news for those that have paid attention close enough.
  8. Wait.....you'd vote Trump over other Democrats if Bernie doesn't win?
  9. Oh really? How many Democrats Currently have the same stance? Got any links that can convince me?
  10. Learn something new everyday. They sure is a lot of wokescolding going on all over the CR for sho
  11. Did you watch the video? Do you agree with the issue she brought up that Congress should not abdicate the power to declare war to the Executive Branch? I suppose you like a guy like President Trump having all that war makin’ power huh? I know. Cognitive dissonance.
  12. Joe has a message guys: Not sure if this ad will help him though...
  13. Yeah, I love how the Women's March chastises Tulsi (as a woman of color running for president) below. Have they ever thought to congratulate her on her anti-empire stance? Oh yeah, they wanted a continuation of war with their chosen one, Hillary.
  14. I think she's the only candidate that seems sincere and compassionate and not full of wind. She's earned a lot of respect from libertarians and anti-war voices of the left. Hell, I'd vote for her over Trump and any other Dem if she wins the nom, but we know that ain't happening. Tulsi goes hard here:
  15. Yeah, she was quick to pull the trigger on that tweet. I've been suspect of the same thing around here at times. I like how she's recognizing a disproportionate amount of people of color/minorities in jail for a dime bag, maybe we could end the war on drugs after all?
  16. I've also seen re-usable bags flying everywhere. I always feel like legislation to curb human habits never works and requires force. Take the straw ban for instance, I went a bought a metal straw because I was compelled by persuasion by what I read about straws being in the ocean etc. I think it's a good idea and has merit so no force needed by the local authorities, I'm sucking this bitch everyday.
  17. Which leads me to a non-sequitur idea we all can agree on: End the War on Drugs! (not the band, they fucking rule.)
  18. When you say it leads to white supremacy, it adds this "white people are demons" vibe that I think is unnecessary to the discussion. It also makes you sound like you are racist against white people, but that's just my opinion.
  19. I just think it's a little hysterical to think because Syria and Russia have an alliance that makes Syria somehow nefarious. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Russia is some extreme threat to the US. I just don't. But then again, I canceled my cable like a year ago. I sum it up to more regime-change wars for the geo-political powers that be and our military are the muscle men and women.
  20. Forgive me on this one, I just got that vibe he was attacking all states rights advocates who are conservatives are only supportive of the 10th amendment for discriminatory reasons. Furthermore, I've seen CONSTANT bashing from the left mob that state's rights are inherently racist so my bad in conflating this mob mentality with the post LonghornFan posted below: I, for one, am a big proponent of State's Rights. I'm also a fan of smaller government. Some of the issues raised in the OP's excerpt seem to be a struggle between city ordinances infringing on basic property rights of businesses. For example, in Austin, trying to enforce paid sick leave for small businesses. This undermines property rights and I believe section 19 if the Texas Constitution So if a city ordinance undermines property rights, i think the state has a constitutional right to override such ordinances. The question is does this apply to the below? I'd say so.
  21. Says the guy that paints all conservatives on the board as discriminatory bigots. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. My argument isn't rooted in left vs right, but stems from a belief that the 10th amendment is crucial to our republic (State's Rights). It's an example of how state's rights was key in nullifying federal laws they deemed wrong.
  23. This is quite NPC of you. How about the time the northern states used State nullification in response to the federal government's fugitive slave act of 1850 where they said Fuck you, we aren't returning slaves to the states they fled? Yeah, I know, it doesn't serve your narrative.
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