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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. You sound like Shaq in the movie Blue Chips, toughen up buttercup.
  2. This socialist lefty I respect goes hard here, VERY HARD. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. This is some splitting hairs shit, there are multiple sources that reported it
  4. They go into the research they find at multiple websites and even say what they are and show them. If you want to research the subject, then do it on your own, but to dismiss it because it’s a “YouTube” video is a little cockamamie.
  5. Sure I'll get negged because it's Gavin McInnes, but the research is covered in the video. Dig deeper on your own.
  6. The level of pwnage in this post is strong. BUT WHATABOUTISM!!
  7. Science is bigoted bullshit when it explains certain human tendencies toward certain behaviors....got it. Is science bullshit when it could explain how humans are affecting Climate change?
  8. google this and you will see Wapo, the Hill and many other outlets saying the same thing: trump tougher on Russia than Obama
  9. Wow, you seem open-minded. Do you think that multi-generational inbreeding being linked to higher levels of aggression is off the table of discussion when it could help give us a scientific look into what may lead to a higher likelihood of radical Islamic terrorism or behavior? Sounds more like science to me, not conspiracy theory.
  10. You missed this gem by SpiralOut earlier I presume? Does it matter that the meddling happened before Putin? Furthermore, if Clinton meddled then, then why didn't they meddle if Putin was such an adversary while he was still in office in 1999 leading up to the election of Putin in 2000? Why would President Bush have the below to say about Putin? Lastly, it's widely reported that Trump has been tougher on Russia than all of Obama's tenure. How did they become such a monster only when Trump was elected?
  11. You know what I thought was interesting regarding Muslim culture that I heard from a Rogan podcast? It's the idea of irrational, extremist, suicidal behavior being linked to multi-generational inbreeding. Being that the Quran encourages marriage between cousins, I thought that this was an interesting take. Anyway, legal immigration should be a path for everyone of all races and creeds in my opinion. Having said that, the countries he banned citizens from traveling from seem to be ones we are either involved in regime-change wars with, have terrorist links, are not friendly with Israel, and Saudi Arabia are adversaries or not friendly with Saudi Arabia. Trump really sucks if he was to permanently ban everyone from those countries, but I'm not sure that he wants that.
  12. Season 5 is definitely the lowest part of the entire series with the exception of the ending...Hardhome is an episode I believe no?
  13. It's kind of ironic, but I do like him on Auditing the Fed and Ending Cronyism, but his constant demonization of rich people, unsustainable social programs, and economic illiteracy loses me.
  14. 11 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said: Trump's (still) in office because congress is full of incompetent cunts. Accurate and should be repeated as often as possible. We're still at war all over the world because Congress is full of little bitches that won't take their power to declare war back. See Trump's Veto.
  15. That is some next level infiltration that lady went through. Dupes are out there for sure. They could've played her, but do you think that just because she had communications with a Russian troll, that she'd vote Clinton? Weren't these targeted facebook ads and groups small as fuck and ultimately didn't change votes? This type of infiltration pales in comparison to the operations the intelligence community have done in the past. So by enemy I assume Russia. I view everyone as potential friends. I met a Russian man in Cancun, he was very nice. This was when the original Mueller story broke (over spring break). When I asked him his thoughts on US media he laughed, "Haha, we all think it is joke!" His wife was a badass chess player, I joked and said it would be great to get my ass beat on the board by her as she was a former chess champion back in the day. I brought up Gary Kasparov and apparently Russians despise him in the political arena as just another statist seeking power. Anyway, maybe we have been propagandized to the point where we *think* we hate Russia, but in reality it's just a narrative that has naturally become an extension of our psyche. Like Louie Armstrong sang about, "All I am saying, is give peace a chance."
  16. His response below sounds totally batshit crazy, no rationale or level headedness at all.
  17. Here's some more evidence that Glenn Greenwald does shitty, non-investigative slanted journalism and sucks at life: https://theintercept.com/2019/04/18/robert-mueller-did-not-merely-reject-the-trumprussia-conspiracy-theories-he-obliterated-them/
  18. Did such efforts actually change votes? Or was it just memes that got both sides riled up?
  19. One of the few that didn't fall hook line and sinker for the Russia-Trump Conspiracy and constantly debates with outlets that disagree with him, but nah not reliable at all.
  20. Interesting look back at ex-CIA director and Clinton ally's take on collusion: "There was smoke, but no fire." But can we trust him because he was in the CIA?
  21. I support losers and conspiracy theorists only I got the best history lessons from high school and UT of Austin so I'm like a fountain of knowledge drawn from all the correct memory holes.
  22. Wasn't it Obama that criticized Romney's saber rattling towards Russia in the Presidential debates with something to the effect of "Hey Romney, 1997 called and it want's their foreign policy back!" ??? The Left supported this idea then and Obama seemed not to be worried about them as a threat then. Now, you could say they've been interfering in our elections, but you are an ignoramus if somehow you think the US has the moral high ground when we've in fact been meddling in other country's affairs since the inception of the CIA under president Truman (National Security Act). The CIA wasn't just an intelligence gathering operation, but pushed for more overt operations. It's already been highlighted that we overthrew the elected Prime Minister of Iran in the 50's Mohammad Mosaddegh. We then instilled the Shah in cooperation with the British (they were being kicked out) as they wanted a foot there for oil. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was a BRUTAL AND OPPRESSIVE DICTATOR INSTALLED BY THE CIA THAT KILLED NORMAL EVERYDAY FOLKS IN IRAN. The bigger issue to all of this that I believe many are too tranquilized by the Mueller Report to see is that we have been debased into a NATIONAL SECURITY STATE. If the inteligence agencies that overthrow elected leaders across the world are found to have been complicit in the deliberate attempt to overthrow the President of the United States, then this SETS A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT THAT COULD POTENTIALLY END UP OVERTHROWING BERNIE SANDERS IF HE WINS IN 2020. This same apparatus could one day decide Bernie's ideas are too dangerous and that he's a Russian stooge. What then? Oh, well since we aren't holding the intelligence community accountable for what I think is blatant collusion, then we do not have a limited Republic for which our country was founded on, but a national security state. See the forest for the trees guys, no matter how much you despise Trump.
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