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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. All I said was the silver lining for me with regards to Trump's presidency is that the masses are more skeptical and critical of MSM, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY CONCEDING THAT HE DID'NT INTEND TO MAKE IT HAPPEN OUT OF VIRTUE OR TO DO THE RIGHT THING BUT RATHER IT BEING A RESULT OF HIS INSANE SELF-SERVING MODUS OPERANDI is lauding him? I don't think so, nice try but nah...that ain't it.
  2. I've personally met some of them. They were pissed off Bernie Supporters that hated Hillary and voted Trump to protest. Cassandra Fairbanks is one of them. I mentioned her in the Assange thread.
  3. That's rich given the last 3 years we were hammered with arguably the biggest conspiracy theory/hoax in history. What evidence do you have that I'm a 9/11 truther/conspiracy theorist? Your straw man BS is what it is, bullshit.
  4. Wrong. Glenn Greenwald, a Leftist who got the Russia-Trump Hoax right. Both are equally shitty.
  5. Yeah, i don't disagree with you at all, but it seems since I'm crediting Trump with the unveiling of the MSM's apparent biases to the masses (even though, as you said, only does it to CNN and not Fox News) then it's triggering the adamant anti-trumpers (like yourself) to convince me he's a piece of shit. I'm already convinced, you don't have to sell me on the idea anymore. And I concede he shouldn't be given credit for it and it's just a result of insane modus operandi. All I'm saying is that it is good for us all to be critical of what these outlets spew to us. I mean for the love of all that is holy the examples are endless of false narratives that were proven to be lies: RT hacked and took over C-Span Russian Hackers Invaded the US Electric Grid (WP) Trump Aide Anthony Scaramuccis involved in a Russian Hedge Fund (CNN) The Covington Story Russia Attacked US Diplomats at Cuban embassy using Microwave weapon (NBC/MSNBC/CIA) Trump created a secret internet server to covertly communicate with Russian Bank Paul Manafort Visited Assange 3 times in Ecuadorian embassy (Guardian) Trump was offered advanced access to the WikiLeaks Email Archive (CNN/MSNBC)
  6. Dude....seriously? Do you think it is bad for society in general to ask critical questions about the information they are being fed by mainstream media outlets that have been undoubtedly outed as pushing false narratives?
  7. Don't disagree with you. Your last line is a mis-characterization and a distortion.
  8. My first premise was totally independent of the second, so I disagree with you. Everyone is questioning everything they hear from ALL OF THE MAINSTREAM OUTLETS. Trump has had a lot to do with it in my opinion. That's it.
  9. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX NEWS, All these motherfuckers are controlling narratives and information. There you go.
  10. Let's start with a simple yes or no question. Do you think Mainstream outlets have an agenda to control the information and narratives to the public? Has Trump aided in making this common knowledge (no matter how much you despise *how* he's aided in making in more apparent?) You seem to assume I love Trump because he coincidentally has shone a light on the information controllers, but I don't think he was doing it out of virtue or it being the right thing to do but more out selfishness and covering his own ass. Chill out man.
  11. Doesn't matter who we vote for, we still end up with John McCain.
  12. Maybe it was not his intent, but to deny that Trump has gotten a lot of the public to question Mainstream News outlets is to deny reality. Nice try? What do you think I was trying?
  13. Has Trump been right to criticize CNN and MSNBC as "fake news?" Do they try and control narratives? I say yes. Has Trump countered with alternate sources that are not credible? Likely Yes and No depending on who you speak to and the source, but at least an awakening has happened with regard to the MSM's game in the first place.
  14. Some are women so I kept it neutral, everyone has a stomach, not everyone has balls
  15. I think some could make the case you're making about all voters in general. All politicians, with the exception of a VERY small group, are con men/women. But calling everyone fucking idiots for voting in a charade-shit show doesn't seem like a good way to foster growth, unity or civil disagreement. The bigger picture is the battle against disinformation. The silver lining with Trump for me personally is his pulling back of the curtain on the power levers in Corporate Media and the awakening of the general masses as to the role the media obviously plays in controlling information and narratives.
  16. I know many liberals that voted Trump as a fuck you to the DNC establishment and the intolerable wing that had been bastardized to support the limiting of free speech. Many of those were true anti-war lefties that now feel like the got kicked in the stomach by this. He lost the respect of many of these types of supporters for this move and rightly so. The stress from the constant pressure of the MIC must give him the runs, but he definitely is being a little punk bitch with this move in vetoing Congress' bill (THE ENTITY THAT SHOULD BE DECLARING WAR PER OUR CONSTITUTION IN THE FIRST PLACE) (all caps for emphasis.)
  17. I think you mean anti-war crowd. Don't let cognitive dissonance get the best of you, Trump is letting jackasses like Pompeo and Bolton influence him contrary to what he campaigned on. IT"S OKAY TO CRITICIZE YOUR TRIBE LEADER WHEN THEY DO THINGS THAT ARE OBJECTIVELY BAD.
  18. Tulsi is right along with many other anti-war voices to speak out against Trump's veto of the War Powers Resolution act. He's just doing the bidding of the military-industrial complex and SA, which deserves extreme criticism in my opinion. Like she said before, he's being Saudi Arabia's bitch. The atrocities in Yemen that have been enabled by our foreign aid and weapons to SA are despicable.
  19. Okay, can you elaborate as to what you exactly mean by this? Source(s)?
  20. http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2019/april/15/co-conspirator-ecuador-paid-off-to-deliver-assange/ Here you go.
  21. When it comes to Free Speech and Freedom of the Press, then yes, I'd say it really does cross a boundary. From what I gather from a journalist, who is interviewed in the podcast below, who has visited with Assange multiple times (the last time being a few weeks ago), the charges against Assange for "hacking" are unfounded and the narrative being pushed by mainstream outlets is simply untrue. She claims that Assange only aided Manning to conceal her anonymity, which is the standard for all journalists. I'm sure there won't be a shortage of attacking the credibility of this source, but I for one trust Tom Woods' judgement when it comes to the credibility of of his guests (in this case, Cassandra Fairbanks.) https://tomwoods.com/ep-1385-the-truth-about-whistleblower-julian-assange/ His podcasts are only 30 minutes long so easy, quick listening.
  22. Has anyone noted in the thread the 4.2 billion dollar loan the IMF authorized for Ecuador shortly after the arrest of Assange? I read that Wikileaks released a document back 2008 that highlighted how the US govt. could put financial pressure on other countries via IMF to get give them incentive to follow through with certain foreign policy measures. The loan just seems too coincidental for it not to be in response to the cooperation of the Ecuadorian embassy in the arrest of Assange.
  23. Where is Tulsi Gabbard? No love for her at all by the establishment? Oh yeah, she's against regime-change wars, a major deal breaker for the powers that be.
  24. People are bad so we need a government of.....
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