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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. Taxes.
  2. I'll grant you it's more like extortion, but really boiled down it's theft. Draft dodgers I suppose were ripping the government off by not following their orders and paying with their lives to go to war no? I'm sure you'll concede that the government owns you. What percentage of your time per year is the correct amount to fulfill your debt and taxation to the Fed? I mean, we really have to make sure we have enough weapons, bombs and resources to secure the borders of Iraq and Syria. Or any of the below: What is called when you are forced to pay for these things that do not protect our liberties? Charity?
  3. Gary Johnson isn't a libertarian.
  4. Oh please tell me of this period of time when we had unfettered, free market capitalism, I'll wait. And I do concur, It's quite a bang up model. You also act as though child labor is some abnormal thing given the history of the entire world. Let's see, if your option is to starve to death in Bangladesh, or work in a textile manufacturing plant as a child, which option would you choose? The same logic is used against minimum wage laws. History also shows that minimum wage laws were used by our statist overlords for arguably biased/racist reasons to prevent blacks from getting jobs, but I digress. Property rights is rooted in the Libertarian philosophy. If one is polluting the environment, then government would have a role in protecting the property rights of the property owner. Oh and the whole refusing goods and services based on skin color....hmm....???? You actually think a business this day and age would stay profitable if it were to discriminate based on skin color? With today's wokescolding ass culture? Here's a prime example of the free market effect when a business owner acts in such a deplorable and distasteful manner: Merry Christmas.
  5. Taxation is theft. Government regulations, taxation and sheer size make our dollar worth less. Government's role should be to protect liberty and not interfere in the economic affairs of two consenting, voluntary parties. It's telling that you need like 365+days of training to be a cosme-fucking-toligist, have to be 21 to smoke tobacco or drink, but only need to be 18 and less time to drop bombs on people in the middle east. Want to help the poor? Abolish the minimum wage, get the government out of healthcare, education, and everything, and end the federal reserve. They create the problems, For example the student debt crisis, then want to propose the solutions to their own problems (cancelling student loan debt.) "But who would build the roads!" As Eric July puts it: "Fuck them hoe ass roads."
  6. I can simultaneously sell trash cans and toilet paper while posting unpopular takes on the surly
  7. It’s pretty telling that you assume the federal overlords would resort to violence, it makes one wonder why we look to them for all the answers to all of our problems economically, foreign and domestic. My answer is I’d hope not but most likely would be no.
  8. Secession. Then the DSAs can have socialism, the Ancaps Anarchy, the Conservatives can have a Christian state and we can all co-exist.
  9. If you deny it’s existence then you’re an obtuse ignoramus. This is fun!
  10. I could say the same about Democratic Socialists, Socialists, And the Feaux Conservatives, but in the end it’s about the principles and philosophy for me and the role of government should play if we want a free, voluntary and prosperous society. Fanatics exist in all camps and conspiracy theories are always put forth from all sides. For Chrisakes, if you said the Deep State existed before Trump became elected, then you were a conspiracy theorist. Now, the Deep state just comes out and thanks themselves for their very existence. https://twitter.com/potp_pod/status/1192250280559161344?s=21 I’m sure we all want truth and good people to run our country. They’re everywhere, but we have to unite around a principle and none is more uniting in my opinion than Liberty and Freedom.
  11. This entire board is nothing but bullshit for the most part. You should know that by now.
  12. I support people that support my principles, whether they are D or R. But Jacob Hornberger of the LP will get my vote if he gets the nom. It feels good to shamelessly say so. Who did you vote for last election? I’m sure whoever they were didn’t take tax payer dollars in any kind of way amirite?
  13. The pragmatic approach would be to shrink the federal monstrosity over time.
  14. Such a great example as to why secession should be embraced. The most prosperous societies in the history of the world stemmed from free market capitalism and sound money, including Sweden for you DSAs, so spare me with your hollow ad homs. The state is clearly your religion.
  15. Ad Hominem attacks online are fun. Who is this person you say I support? Who do you recommend I support? I’m genuinely curious as to who you feel is worthy of support to the point where your willing to compel others based on their merits. I’ll wait.
  16. Private Judges.
  17. The idea that one apparatus can write edicts that mandate how 130+ million ought to live their lives is cockamamie. Decentralization of money, media and government should be a common goal no matter what side you’re in.
  18. When two citizens have a dispute and have to go to court, the state is the final arbiter as they have a monopoly on the court system, but what happens when a private citizen has issue with the state and takes them to court? They are the final arbiter against themselves no? What a a major conflict of fucking interest. You think the state is going to objectively hear a case where a citizen has exposed them for abusing their power? Pfffffttttt, forget about it.
  19. I know I have a lot in common with leftists and so called conservatives, and it’s not horrifying at all. Is it a stretch to say we would agree on ending wars, ending the war on drugs, ending the surveillance state, repealing the patriot act, repealing the NDAA, promoting civil rights, and legalizing certain drugs if not all drugs? As for conservatives, I’d say we’d agree on second amendment rights to bear arms, shrinking the size of government, nullification, states rights, secession (God knows we need it at a time like this,) cutting spending and being pro-life (personally, but not forcing those through government means to pay for abortions or denying them the right to a safe privately funded abortion.) So you’re wrong, I’m not horrified. Am I missing something that you would guess I would fear I have in common with the progressive left?
  20. You missed my point. It doesn't matter the crime, it matters what side your on as to how the standard is applied. Take Snowden as an example as to how whistleblowers are treated that go against the regime vs the whistleblowers that exposed the Trump-Ukraine phone call. One is lauded by the establishment, the other, well....you know how that goes.
  21. I see a lot of folks in the left camp applauding the IC for partisan reasons stemming from their deep desire to get rid of the Trump at all costs and find it ironic when it's apparent they are not trustworthy.
  22. BUWAHAHAHAAHAHAA! Ask James Clapper if lying under oath is a crime. You see, if you are part of the managerial state apparatus, you have a different standard than us common folk. Criminy.
  23. Our political system is being exposed and crumbling right before our very eyes and I for one am loving every minute of it. It's ironic that while the Dems are all focused on impeaching the Trump, 10 of Trump's judges were ushered in, the NDAA was passed and had bi partisan support which gives him more funding and allows him to continue with more power than ever, and the Afghanistan Papers are released showing that US establishment officials failed to tell the truth regarding the war in Afghanistan. Fact: The Dems are not anti-war. Fact: The Republicans care not about government spending or the size of government. Carry on with the show ladies and gents.
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