I think he's being outrageous and deflecting from the Caitlin's substance in the article that pertains to the thread. Here's more from the article from the rogue journalist who's more left leaning than anything and has been a prominent supporter of Assange, anti-US Empire/Foreign Policy, and was outspoken in her critique of the Russia-Trump narrative being a total nothingburger:
So there you have it. A mysterious stranger from the lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, assassinating, coup-staging, warmongering, psychopathic CIA was working in the White House, heroically provided the political/media class with politically powerful information out of the goodness of his heart, and then vanished off into the Langley sunset. Clearly there is nothing suspicious about this story at all.
In all seriousness, even to call this spook a “whistleblower” is ridiculous on its face. You don’t get to call someone from the US intelligence community a whistleblower unless they are actually whistleblowing on the US intelligence community. That’s not a thing. A CIA officer who exposes information about government officials is an operative performing an operation unless proven otherwise, because that’s what the CIA does; it liberally leaks information wherever it’s convenient for CIA agendas while withholding all other information behind a veil of government secrecy.
What about the term spook in the article would lead one to believe it was being used as disparaging black people? Outrage culture gonna outrage.