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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. So woke this one.
  2. Someone want to advise this boy that taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society? Or that it’s part of the social contract? Or maybe we need them for roads?
  3. It's fitting that you need a very complex and nuanced subject distilled down into cartoon form so that you can attempt to understand it and formulate an opinion. I post the memes so mouthbreathers like you can understand.
  4. Don't you mean the "Republic" part of our Constitutional Republic? Some crazy kook ran in 08' and 12' as a Republican that actually walked the walk when it came to his actions in upholding the Constitution. Hell, he even opted out of the Congressional Pension program that he claimed "was an undue burden on the American Taxpayer." "If we just followed the Constitution....." he'd say multiple times on the debate stage. He had scruples, but you see, the issue is with those that genuinely feel they know how best to rule over you. They gravitate toward the state for power and control. The State is simply the locus of sociopathic and narcissistic behavior, so to find guys like Amash or the man I speak of in government is rare. That, and we all just love us some political drama. We eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner. To hell with the State having a monopoly on violence, ruining our money and expanding beyond our control, just give me the drama!
  5. Doesn't it take an amount of wind turbines that cover the area of Connecticut to get the same energy produced by one nuclear plant? Wind and Solar a great, but no more Solyndra boondoggles. As in, government needs to stay the fuck out of it.
  6. Got anything to back up your claim or to refute mine? I’ll wait.......
  7. looks like the girl had the potential to stick the landing tho
  8. During the bailouts, 16 trillion was pumped in the world economy. What does that do to our money? Who gets it first? The corporate fat cats you rail against. The correction was needed and should have happened. Some rally behind Bernie's plank of auditing the fed and are fervently anti-corporatism, but also claim "we needed the bailouts to prevent a catastrophe." You can't have it both ways though you see.
  9. We love paying for 30K toilets don't we?
  10. And what are our estimated unfunded liabilities again?
  11. Fact: Fiscal Irresponsibility and Insanity is supported by both Teams. Always.
  12. This assumes that the NAACP is the end all-be all entity that represents the collective will of the entire US African-American population.
  13. NSIAP: An interesting irony is the DSA movement usually highlights the Nordic countries by which we should "emulate" to get the right kind of Democratic Socialism, but contrary to the plank of the idea of a "living wage," Sweden has no government mandated minimum wage. Interdasting.
  14. No. I misspoke. Forgive me. We give SA around 400K/year in foreign aid. Some argue that "foreign aid" is basically a coupon for nations to buy weapons from us but SA has enough $$ on their own so it really doesn't apply to the same degree as it does to a country like Israel. OTOH, I find it morally reprehensible that a single tax dollar goes to the SA regime given their gross abuse of human rights. Money talks, and I'm sure that most of the left agrees that the SA regime is atrocious as well as Trump's willingness to do "business" with them and gloat about what a great "deal" it is. Rand is against giving them foreign aid and selling them arms to kill Yemenis. The left should agree with this on the human rights issues alone.
  15. violence is cool as long as the victim is______________?
  16. The literal title of the thread has been changed to "Rand Paul was always a piece of shit." Anastasia's reference to his efforts to block arm sales to a country that hangs little boys in the streets for peacefully protesting the SA government is not really indicative of a piece of shit in my book. Blocking arm sales would actually be a benefit to the world, a benefit to American Taxpayers and reduce spending, but Rand has no principles so it matters not.
  17. An insane splitting of hairs just to come to some gotcha moment to rally the rabid left's lock step smearing of Rand as unprincipled and hypocritical. I'm impressed. How about conceding to the fact he's trying to get Trump to de-escalate tensions with Iran and Russia to, you know, save human life? ALL RAND CARES ABOUT IS RAND THO SwInDle!!
  18. The idea of playing the political game to stop war seems to be unpopular these days.
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