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  1. Kinda meh for me. I also found the second half to have borderline laugh out loud parts. I really liked the ending, though.
  2. My buddy is in Telluride this week. Its gonna be a DAY for him.
  3. Heading to Cancun for Spring Break with the family, and we are staying at a hotel next to the ferry that goes to IM. I'm thinking a day trip to the north side island beaches would be fun for my kids (7 & 9 yo girls). Any recs for beaches/restaurants/must-do's? Do we have to pay for beach usage, or just chair/cabana rentals? Any day clubs allow kids? Also, do we need a golf cart to get to the north side beach, or is it walkable from the ferry? This would be our first time to the island, so I have zero expectations.
  4. PC was great. Luckily, on the west side of the divide it was not as cold. It was -18 with a wind chill of -39 at Copper at the same time it was 10 in Park City. Brutal conditions over there, much like I had to deal with at Big Sky last January. We got 4-5" Friday night at the top, so it was soft all day. It was a solo day by myself, which I really enjoy. My music, my pace, and my ability to just go wherever the mountain would take me, and then the fun of finding my way back without using any maps. Sunday was daddy daughter day, which featured a lot of bitching abt who gets to lead, what run is next, blue or green etc.. After their first day of lessons, i was shocked to hear they went up Saddleback lift (blues and blacks only), so that is where I took them to start the day. The line to get on Red Pine gondola to start the day took 45 mins, so we were not going back to the bottom unless absolutely necessary. The oldest (9) was handling the blues with ease. The 7 yr old was more timid, but is getting close. I was very impressed with how far they've come. My back started to hurt around 2:00, so we got some hot cocoa and called it a day. The hot tub was calling our names. I think the Salt Lake City airport will be our go-to ski destination airport from this point fwd.. It is super clean, and there are so many mountain options within 45 minutes . We Ubered to PC and back, so we didn't have to rent a car and pay for parking.
  5. Ski Patrol strike has ended in Park City just in time for our family trip this weekend. Phew!
  6. Prob should've said Wasatch
  7. Man that looks beautiful. Ty for the pics! Its just been a nasty 2 months for snow for the Rockies/Sangre de Christos. It looks like some positive changes out west at the 1/20 timeframe. Of course that's the day we come home from PC, but I'm still super excited to get back on some skis.
  8. This is the news I need to hear. We are there on MLK weekend, so I am trying to temper my expectations. I will be a single skier on the first day while my girls are in lessons, and we will all ski greens together on the 2nd day. Just wish there was snow in the forecast. Looks bone dry for 10 days.
  9. Any idea if ski schools would be impacted by this strike since they get to skip the lines? From what I am reading, there is no resolution in site. If I have to wait an hour to ski 20% of the mountain that is only 23% open, I am going to consume so much Fireball on my own personal strike.
  10. Soooo this Park City strike is news to me. We are heading there next Friday, and NOTHING is refundable. Anyone know if there is any sort of timeline on the ski patrol strike, or should I prepare the family for disaster?
  11. Dallas forecast Thursday/Friday.
  12. You wouldn't understand.
  13. This forecast is shit. I'm really glad we decided on a January ski trip instead of December. 9% of Park city is open with little relief in site. This pattern desperately needs to flip in the next 3 weeks.
  14. <weather nerd> not if this potential sudden stratospheric warming event occurs as predicted by the Madden-Julien Oscillation <weather nerd>
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