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Everything posted by LonghornJones

  1. We will have him back for the Finals.
  2. Heading to Sayulita in July. Not sure it qualifies as "off the beaten path" to some, but it qualifies for my wife and I.
  3. That was our plan until this morning. We fly out at 7a Sunday, but we want to give them some time to catch up on Disney movies, etc.. Also, we can use it as a disciplinary tool for the rest of the week.
  4. Even for 6&7 yo's?? I got their ages wrong in the previous post.
  5. We are breaking the news to our girls (5&6) tonight that we are going to WDW on Sunday for the week. We are going with another family with slightly older kids than ours. We have the private guide for 1 day so that we can knock out all of the rides without all of the lines, and try to have a more stress-free time. I need to set up a ride schedule so we can be as efficient as possible. I also need to see how tall the 5yo is. She is NOT 48" tall, I know that much/. Staying at the Contemporary. We are doing Cinderellas Breakfast on Day 1 at Magic Kingdom, and some other dinner/lunch reservations throughout the week. REALLY looking forward to my ungrateful kids melting down and saying how bored they are!
  6. Heading to Orlando with the fam for this in a couple of weeks. I'm more terrified of the crowds than excited about the experience.
  7. Please get off to a good start. PLEASE
  8. 116 in a freshly purchased Jamie Benn jersey 12 beers deep.
  9. I was up at 3:00a. I am far too excited for this. I hope the AAC is an absolute madhouse. I will be doing my part.
  10. I am so jealous of your Cairo trip. I cant wait to hear your experience. I cant convince my wife to go due to her issue with safety. Mykonos (city center) was sooo crowded due to the cruise ships. If you can stay near the southern beaches away from the town itself, you will love it.
  11. ...and a little powder sugar added to soak up the butter. So good.
  12. I'm not sure why, but I am also a big fan of women who openly use profanity.
  13. I spent the weekend here as well for a 40th bday celebration. I will not be going back, mainly bc I am not much of a wine guy. Velvet Lounge (karaoke bar) was the highlight for me, and our entire group for that matter.
  14. When I listen to the Name Game that Norm does, all I can hear are drops for "What's in Norms underwear?" "Guess WHAT I have, in my underwear? 2 cox and a hooker."
  15. Alexandra Daddario, and super hot like Wild Things. Could you imagine the ratings?
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