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Everything posted by LonghornJones

  1. Yeah I am having a hard time seeing him not winning at this point. With Corey in the jury house, he is going to fill everyone's ear with how all of the moves Jag is making are the right moves.
  2. Ms. Lippys car, is green.
  3. I've had worse.
  4. I am also not a fan of waiting in line, and I stood there for 40 minutes once. Once.
  5. Can you give me your favorite brisket spot in/near Lake Highlands? I'm craving some meat (twss), and I don't want to drive a long way.
  6. Give it a year. For a Landman? Yes.
  7. Pioneers footprint is largely contiguous and in a great location. Infrastructure is already in place. Water issues were addressed ~5 years ago. The development plan was so solid as Pioneer wasn't drilling its best rock. Most peers/other operators' best wells were being popped in the near-term to appease the shareholder (even though that paradigm was shifting at PXD). XOM is getting a lot of inventory.
  8. XOM plans to offer 90% of Pioneer a position at XOM including field employees. From what I’ve heard, maybe 30% make the move. Most decisions not to go have been culture based. Pioneer was the greatest place to work on earth, and for those who signed on right after college are abt to see what the real world is like.
  9. We have ~6 months at PXD until closing. Up to 2 yrs in the LCO office for transitional procedures. Either we take the job offer at XOM (we have been told at least 90% will get an offer), or take the package. Btw, we find surprises in the Land dept almost every day. Our brokers know more abt our actual footprint and we do.
  10. Do y'all remember anyone having to stand up and speak for themselves at the Veto Ceremony? I think Corey is the right play, but I feel like CBS is setting up for no change and Felicia goes home.
  11. It's on page 36 in the Colorado handbook.
  12. Snappin' necks and cashin' checks.
  13. Its just a way give Jared the spotlight for an entire week. Cirie prob had it in her contract. How else is America going to love/hate him?
  14. The Slim Hangable Kit is by far my favorite B&R piece. I always found that dopp kits had a ton of wasted space. This is so functional and does not take up counter space.
  15. Well, if you win this ball-in-spoon balance beam competition, do you play in the next com or pass it on to your competitor? I think I would have to play. I couldn't live with myself letting someone else take away my chance. BUT, Jared is an idiot, and if the comp has any sort of knowledge requirements, he will def fail. That being said, I fell like the producers somehow have a way of guaranteeing that Jared is the one that wins.
  16. same
  17. Group lessons have been great for my kids (6 & 7). Completely recommend. I know they're younger than yours, but they love meeting the other kids and spending the next few days with kids their age. At the end of the lessons each day, I will take them up the mountain (now that they are comfortable getting on and off the lifts) and see what they have learned. It is my favorite part of the day by a mile. They LOVE skiing, and daddy finally has someone to ski with, even if its only for 45 minutes each day. I am going that same week after christmas. It will be my first time to go during that week, so I am trying to temper my expectations, and bring my patience pills.
  18. Whoever has the most rep points in the next calendar year gets a case of OG 4Loko and a HJ.
  19. Re: working out. I work out 2-3 times a week and run once a week year round, but 2 weeks leading up to a ski trip, I will take the stairs at work 2-3 times a day rather than the elevator. I can't remember the last time I was worn out or sore from a ski trip (usually only 2-3 days of skiing), so it works for me.
  20. When anyone calls him out on strategy or game play, he gets defensive and raises his voice. He then tells the other person not to raise their voice at him. I think he's an awful person, with very little mental capacity to handle conflict. This is what happens when you get rid of the hots in the first 2 weeks.
  21. Have we been told when double eviction is??
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