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  1. All the nudge I need....loading up on the Texans ML now
  2. and we're back to be totally inept....last season was fun while it lasted, but that joy ride is over. This team doesn't deserve a playoff W. I can't believe we beat the Bills this season.
  3. and your rock is stupid as fuck
  4. we have 4 regular season games left, plus however many post-season games and injuries happen.....what a bitch
  5. stayed up from 1:30 - 5am watching that shit. I was real pleasant that next morning.
  6. Downloaded Nord VPN and I'll set an alarm for 330am in Italy to wake up and watch on my phone. Gotta do what you gotta do.
  7. What we just did to Jacksonville is what literally every other team used to do to us over and over again. We'd be up and controlling 90% of the game only to watch it melt away in the last 4 minutes. That wasn't a fun game, but it was nice to be on the delivering end of that outcome for once, rather than the receiving end. maybe it all comes together for a game and we beat the shit out of Buffalo? Or not...
  8. good pro tip there...I'll look into that
  9. I'll be in Italy the weekend of the Georgia game. I wish we'd be in a big city as the odds of finding a game watching bar would be better, but we'll be in Positano that weekend. Any chance I could find somewhere to watch the game there? Kickoff still TBD, but if it's a 2:30 game that will be 9:30 at night there and doable. But if its a night kick, options will be severly limited I'm guessing. If I'm resorting to streaming from my phone, should I be able to stream the game fine over there? I might have to record it at home and watch it from my Xfinity stream app the next day. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Quite the turn around for Ka'imi....was shit, now nails from 50+
  11. Every game they see CJ win has to be salt in the wound for Carolina.....hard to believe how completely opposite two trajectories can be like that
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