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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. Miss State line moved to -10.5....thinking Leach wants to embarrass the fuck outta Tech if he can
  2. texans can't even tank correctly....Jags secure 1st pick
  3. Jesus Christ...what a stupid fucking bump
  4. Damn man, thoughts and prayers. Guy balled out for a stretch
  5. Jesus that video of the guy on the NYC subway makes me enraged. His kids need to learn a lesson about what happens when a man hits a woman, so beating his ass in front of them is fair game and educational. Every man on that train car was a beta bitch. I may have ultimately gotten my ass whipped, but not before I hit him on the button with everything I had.
  6. Billy Strings blew the doors off of white oak last Thursday.
  7. not a lot of pep at that rally
  8. everyone knows black people aren't very good at football....Kai Money needs more snaps!
  9. well we know without a doubt that we have a good punt unit....they get plenty of fucking snaps
  10. Dusty has to move him down tomorrow, Bregman just doesn't have it....
  11. I mean...at this point, do you need to step into that?
  12. ho! What the fuck was that.....a line drive?
  13. swinging on a 3-0 pitch?? doesn't he know that's now allowed?
  14. Greinke and maldonado just tried to make contact and put the ball in play....our key hitters are trying to do too much it seems
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