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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. Shell always be the chick in beastmaster to me. So hot in those partially torn rags
  2. No way Saban would let his OC, OL, WR, and TE coaches all leave at the same time. Unless whoever his new OC is would demand his own staff, just seems like way too much turnover for Alabama
  3. He needs a few more sweat bands on his arm...I only counted 8 last night. But yeah, he balled out
  4. I love this thread! Win or lose, this is one hell of a ride!
  5. Who are we gonna get to run the ball next year? Neither of these clowns should be on our roster come week 1
  6. It’s absolutely ridiculous to suggest CDC should be fired at this point for anything, especially for Urban turning us down. Whether he’d fired Tom in October, or after the K St game, or whenever...that was not gonna home up anything with Urban. If he wanted this job he’d take it and all this shit could be worked out. People have to know who to blame. What about Urban Meyer
  7. Larry is planning to die on that sword....hope he's right
  8. nothing is fucked....you're being very un-dude....
  9. they're waiting for the texans game to be over since they know how many fans are watching
  10. I salute you sir, you know how to Sunday! Those extra serranos may prove detrimental to your butthole later on, but to hell with consequences!!
  11. If Texas meets his price, and all his control demands, and the money for top notch staff, and get flown across the country with your family, and every other fucking thing this guy can throw out....how in the world do you then turn that down? That doesn’t happen
  12. should have never been in question.....someone his size shouldn't be going airborne at the goal line?? Especially when up against a d back
  13. I mean I know we should never underestimate the stupidity of a woman, but it seems she’d know a little better than to blab on Twitter about a job that’s not even open yet.
  14. We’re really good at coaching searches and staff hirings. It’s the new peak off-season at surly. God I love this shit
  15. Lots of irons in the fire, things are happening. Sit tight, it’s a very fluid situation. We’ll get back to you when we have something more concrete, but rest assured that things are happening behind the scenes and back channel conversations are being had.
  16. I know people...and things are happening
  17. Texans: tripping over their dicks into mediocrity since 2000...or whenever
  18. when did Lil Nas X start playing for the texans?
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