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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. He predicts a fucking 4 way tie for the conference? What a clown
  2. I can’t fucking wait to watch our secondary this year
  3. Gateway to open your mind maaaaaaaannnn
  4. Bad weather coming also, gonna be great to watch tomorrow
  5. Y’all chill, Tiger is gonna show up and crush the sponsorless Houston open in October. Big priority for him this year
  6. But other than that, he’s doing great
  7. Buddy and I wanted to make a decent meal but we didn’t want to go to the store during the Astros game last night, so we worked with what we had: eggplant, tomatoes, cheese, and other various shit. We breaded the eggplant, then put that on top of the sauce, then added tomato and 2 kinds of cheese, then baked. Wasn’t bad at all
  8. Appreciate the POS air pump pics. It’s attention to detail that makes all the difference. Like an artist
  9. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/27099006/former-usc-assistant-alleges-violations-suit ESPN radio was saying this morning that this story could have an impact on Helton and help push him out this summer.
  10. Word to the wise, that place is all stairs. If you’re planning to drink and make multiple trips to the bathroom then I’d sit way down low or up top
  11. fuck yeah, she told me she's score a goal to prove her love to me, so I got that going for me
  12. another rocket damn....good block by the English keeper
  13. Just got back from red rocks, hell of a time
  14. Terry’s looking quite portly these day
  15. That pic taken from your bathtub?
  16. we also have a roof because nobody wants to pay to go sit in 100 degree weather for noon games on Sunday
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