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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. Tiger just fucking flew the green from 87 yards out with a LW.
  2. so for some reason this PGA app won't allow airplay to an apple tv. wtf?
  3. Circles Around the Sun, Black Crows, and CRB....or any iteration of those, are all must see for me. That CAS show at Last Concert 2 weeks ago was fantastic.
  4. Great cover and they absolutely crush it.
  5. Figured Bron would have a bigger soft spot for Jamie and Tyrion given all the shit they’ve been through. Jamie’s flip flop felt off, don’t buy that he’s going back for love. Arya gonna wear some faces and cut some throats from Inside KL. Hope she kills Cersei. Where tf is Sam going?
  6. Rack of lamb for a nice Sunday, pre-got dinner
  7. Herman putting in time in the weight room it appears
  8. some of those comments between Texas fan and WV fan are gold
  9. The whole joke between Sam and Jon was about the fact that Edd hasn’t fucked...and never will
  10. Cock sucker is an anti-gay slur now? [emoji849]
  11. I want to know how Grey Worm and Missandei fuck. Or are we to just accept that as part of this magic realm also?
  12. Serious question for Derka: did you just recently binge watch the first 6-7 seasons and are just now caught up? I ask because I honestly don't remember you being on these illiterati threads in the past. Maybe i'm wrong though.
  13. I'd imagine taking a face is a little time consuming. Plus, you'd have to find a wight with a full face to even cut off. Fuck that shit, Arya was pressed for time and killed that fucker with her stealth ninja moves.
  14. Anyone looked closer at the new images on the rings in the opening sequence? Not sure what these mean, but they have to have some significance. The first image looks like 2 dead wolves maybe?? Can’t be good for the Starks
  15. That was the second time Wun Wun has smashed through the gate at Winterfell and started slaughtering motherfuckers, only to be killed through his left eye. First from a Ramsey Bolton arrow at BOB and then from a dragon glass dagger to the eye by Lyanna Mormont. Jon surviving all the reanimated dead in the field was a little much. I might be the only one that enjoyed the Arya ninja library scene. It was a nice change of pace from the hectic battle going on outside. My 10 yr old Vizio flatscreen has a setting called "vivid mode" and it made all the difference in the world. I could see everything in the dark.
  16. They made a point of showing Sansa eating a meal with Theon and staring lovingly into his eyes. Does she love Theon or something? Maybe she’s had all the brutal butt Rape from Ramsey so she’s looking to love someone that can’t? He helped save her and I get it, but still seems odd that she’s all of a sudden in love w Theon
  17. “Samwell Tarly: slayer of white walkers and lover of ladies”
  18. The TER also told Bran he would never walk again but he would fly. So he wargs into one of the dragons soon. I would imagine that the NK gets defeated on Wjnterfell but we’ve also been shown the KL throne room burnt and covered in snow so the WW have to make it to KL also, right?
  19. Do we even know for sure where Ned or Cat Stark’s bodies/bones are? Can we just assume that after the red wedding they were sent to winterfell?
  20. Hey that sounds like a great idea. Let’s not bring a bunch of badasses to the fight against the WWs. Obvious body double was obvious I wanted to see more of the convo between Tyrion and Bran
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