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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. So can we expect this sweeping reform of rub n tugs to extend to the rest of the country? Asking for a friend
  2. except that was a lake and the WW couldn't, or didn't, freeze the ocean at hardhome
  3. Yes, I'm aware of the pieces they've assembled, but how can you say they're a winner? What have they won exactly? It was more a commentary about the state of the browns over the past 20 yrs and how anyone can use them as as an example of a winner, but my question still stands.
  4. I have a hard time believing that Overshown would turn down a role that would get him on the field. That don't make no kinda sense.
  5. Did you really just use the Browns as your example of building a winner??
  6. These are really interesting videos that give the history of Robert's Rebellion and the Greyjoy Rebellion.
  7. Besides the two Brothers without Banners guys, did anyone else die when the group went north of the wall to capture the wight? Anyone else a little disappointed we won't get anymore Varys/Little Finger dialogue? Was really hoping we'd see them meet at least one more time. Milessandra said both she and Varys had to die on Westeros. Guessing Arya does the red woman, but no guesses as to how Varys goes.
  8. If they can somehow out do the battle of blackwater bay, the continuous fight at the wall, and the battle of the bastards with this final scene then I can't imagine how epic it's gonna be
  9. So it appears that the big fight between man and WW will be at Winterfell. Will Bran have any power over the Night's King? I can't wait to see what happens between the TER and the NK. Winterfell was also built by Bran the Builder, who was the same guy that built the wall. Wonder if any of the same magic he put in the wall is in Winterfell....? However, if the Bran crossing the threshold negating magic theory is true, then that doesn't matter anyways I guess. So Jon's army has been mining dragon glass for half a season and one would assume they have a shit ton of weapons made out of dragon glass and 2 dragons. We also know that Jon, Brienne and Sam all have valyrian steel swords, which I assume will all be at winterfell at the time of the battle. Anyone know what happened to Joffrey's VS sword? Any others that we know about? Arya's dagger, but what else?
  10. this gets my vote for the best 10 minutes in the entire series
  11. Jerry’s looking for his briefcase
  12. doesn't seem too limited based on some of the videos posted
  13. those are just for notifications on your phone, those have nothing to do with emails that Surly sends you
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