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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. Sleepygrad


    Hair follicle drug test....I need an expert to PM me. Takes 7 days for drugs to show up in your hair, they typically want 1.5 inches of hair representing 3 months per the Internet. My question is if I’m inside the 3 months, can I just shave my entire body? Does that work? My head is shaved so they’ll look elsewhere. How else can I beat this thing? Asking for a friend.
  2. is that a Bob Ross landscape tatt Grier has?
  3. Brandon Jones potentially leaving early wtf??
  4. wasn't me...but the first guy in the fight w his shirt off was a pussy
  5. what a terrible look for the Maryland BOR...it's like nobody pays attention to how things get handled at Penn St, Baylor, and Ohio St and see the public backlash....this was a no brainer that they fucked up and the public backlash forced them to change course. Idiots.
  6. Big balls Dickson
  7. where's everyone getting the drug reference from?
  8. This was after Forlani’s dad had auctioned her off on a dating show in the mall.
  9. Maybe that while domestic abuse case and the resulting public scrutiny had something to do w his performance
  10. Fucking shit, do or die tonight w CFM
  11. Just came here to post on that. Damn, golf is gonna be different without Johnny Miller
  12. fucking nice
  13. This doesn’t seem great
  14. Well done. I was gonna come here and post this exact same thing with screen shots and all, but you beat me to the punch. I mean, what are the odds...??
  15. They’re relevant to aggy nation...which is what matters most lulz
  16. one more week till D'onte is activated? Haven't followed this thread, any word on him lately?
  17. Went to high school w Eric, great guy....but just curious how he’s on with John and Lance every so often. He’s an actor. Granted he’s knowledgeable about baseball and the Astros, but just curious. Are they wanting the fans’ perspective? Just seems like a random sports radio guest. He’s entertaining though.
  18. Have times been announced for games 1 and 2 of the ALCS yet? I know the location depends on who wins between Boston/NY but the times should be pretty easy regardless right?
  19. That wheel route TD to Tre was so effortless and a thing of beauty
  20. The vanilla cock tarts require a smaller box
  21. fox sports SW showing 2008 RRS now OU about to go up 14-3, then kick to Shipley.....
  22. I remember 2010 with such clarity and rage...that OU game was a microcosm for everything that fans bitched about. We started off with quick pass left to the sidelines tacked for 2 yard loss, then quick pass right tackled for a 2 yard loss, then we were in 3rd and 14. Didn't pass to the sticks and tackled short of the marker on our opening possession down 0-7. It was everything I could do not to throw something through my TV
  23. And I remember it being hot as fuck for that 11am kick in 99. So hungover and trying to get it going again, was drinking a flask of hot Jim beam and smoking bowls right under that huge Dr Pepper sign on the back row of the stadium around the 35 yd line. Shitshow doesn’t begin to explain it. Good times
  24. This was the verbatim opening plays in 2010 RRS
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