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Everything posted by Sleepygrad

  1. My mom’s blek
  2. Plenty of white jerseys catching balls in that video
  3. Fisher has been great today
  4. so what's the deal
  5. Really pumped for this!
  6. Would a spy piss himself??
  7. Who has changed their username on the new site? I need to know how to feel about some of these people based on their old username. I don't have the patience to give them a new slate.
  8. thanks, pos rep...or heart thingy I guess
  9. sorry for partying
  10. Have we seen confirmation that Fisher beat out Kemp for the last OF spot? I know AJ said as of last week it was closer than people think and it would depend on the last few ST games.
  11. auto playing videos on websites....like espn/news/etc people that refer to their kids at "the littles"
  12. Is this the dumb question amnesty thread or what??
  13. hopefully we see that for years to come. Is he called up by July or Sep?
  14. Oh please, Tony no....
  15. fuck yes, I'll listen....maybe they'll want to re-hash what "pee in her butt" means on air...?? maybe that's just wishful thinking This will be the best publicity you could ask for after the shit show. Prepare for an influx of newbs....perhaps we should have some sort of secret board. Like a super secret one somewhere. Just a thought.
  16. I like boobs
  17. is this the NAMBLA message board?
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