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Grumpy Camel

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Everything posted by Grumpy Camel

  1. Thinking of dipping my toes in the EV waters. Any thoughts on the Lexus RZ? It will solely be used as a daily commuter car, about 50 miles a day. Charging at home every night. I like the look of the interior better than a similarly priced model y. For the price (mid 40k), seems like an attractive option.
  2. What are you guys using to clean grout in the shower?
  3. I have a Greenworks 40v mower going on 7 years now. The batteries are not holding as much charge anymore but no complaints about the actual mower.
  4. Anyone try the new Ooni indoor (electric) pizza oven?
  5. Yes! Lululemon Commission Pants. Super comfortable. More in the "khakis" category, than "dress pant" category. Always keep these in the rotation.
  6. Agree on Bonobos, as mentioned above. While not exactly "dress" pants, look into Rhone. Anytime Im just wearing a polo to the office, their Commuter Pants are great. Lightweight, breathable, stay cool, easy wash, no iron needed. Actually wearing a pair right now.
  7. Mack Weldon makes some comfortable shorts as well.
  8. Headed out to Caesars this weekend. Just me and my wife this trip, so not expecting to do anything crazy. Im not liking the reports of "different" clientele currently occupying the Strip. Will report back next week.
  9. Echo the 529 recommendations. I have both my kids set up on a Virginia 529. I think I read somewhere that Virginia has the most 529 account users when compared to other states. Who the hell knows, but I am happy with it and the performance. The site is also pretty easy to use and dummy proof for newbies like me.
  10. I’m sure any paint store could match the Pantone code. I actually took a burnt orange Christmas ornament to Home Depot and had them color match to it. Turned out pretty well.
  11. I spot treated with the Roundup that’s safe to use on grass. No effect. Will do. Plan to mix up some Quinclorac and Methylated Seed Oil and spray this weekend.
  12. Over the past few weeks, this weed has taken over the side of my house. Just want to confirm....is this crabgrass? How can I contain it? I have some quinclorac, is it safe to use on bermuda in hot temperatures? Everything I've read says to use it in the evening, when its not as hot.
  13. Zone 9, Bermuda (not sure what type). I was also thinking Octoberish, but didn’t want to miss the window. I had a big problem with poa annua this year, so want to get ahead of it for next year.
  14. This is the first year I plan to use a pre-emergent (prodiamine) beginning with the fall application. How do you know when to put it down? Everything I’ve read says to get it down before soil temps reach 70 in the fall, so would anytime before that work? How far in advance of 70 degrees would be too soon? thanks
  15. The same sort of thing happens at my parents house! Except not pretzels, they find almonds in random spots in their basement. My SiL is convinced the basement is haunted and will not set foot down there. Works out fine for me, my pops and bro. We have a pretty sweet man cave set up down there, that any inhabiting ghost is welcome to hang out in when it’s not in use
  16. Thank you! DM sent, thanks
  17. Just moved into a new home and looking to put up something in the garage or patio area. I remember somebody on this site doing custom pieces made from old pallets. He made a large Longhorn logo for someone that turned out great. Anyone know who I’m referring to or have any other recommendations on where I can have something like this done? Thanks
  18. Any chance you have Nest cameras set up inside/outside your home? They eat up a big chunk of data due to them continuously recording and uploading to cloud. I have an Xfinity cap in my area as well and this was a big reason why I chose to go with Ring devices.
  19. Which sections are you guys buying tickets in? Which side of Jerryworld is supposed to be the Texas side (if any)? Sorry if this is the wrong place for this thread, mods please move if so. Thanks
  20. What sections are you guys buying tickets? Is there a specific Texas side of the stadium?
  21. My wife and I are hoping to be first time homeowners in the next 12 months or so. Problem is, neither of us are very knowledgeable in the buying process, how to choose a lender, etc. We are pretty stable financially, no debt besides car payments, and have money saved for a down payment. Are there any resources or books out there that can better educate us on this adventure?
  22. For those on the F Blue Bell train, what do you buy now?
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