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Certifiably Surly
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About Knoxtnhorn

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  1. OTOS, there was a thread dedicated to your most embarrassing sex stories. I'm pretty sure one guy told his story via Photoshop, and it was one of the funniest things I've ever read. Since I put my foot in my mouth at least once a week, I'd love to hear stories from others. That being said, I'll start. When I first moved to Tennessee, I got a second job at a Mexican restaurant. One day, we hired this absolutely gorgeous "Mexican" girl. While she was filling out paperwork in the break room, several of the guys were peeking through the curtains to get a view of the new hottie. I walked up and told them, "I got dis". I walked up to her and said, "Hola Senorita. Como esta." She replied, "I'm from India you idiot." Took me awhile to live that one down. I did, but that's a story for another board. Anyone else like to contribute?
  2. What the hell ever happened to Black Mirror? Show was really good. Even the episodes I didn't care for that much were pretty good. Seems like it'd be a money maker as production couldn't have been that high. I know they started to bring in some higher end actors during the last season, but it seems like they could pump out a handful of episodes every year or so. Edit: Looks like a new season is coming out this year.
  3. Lol. Beat me to it. And...
  4. Yeah. The family and I had kind of marked this wknd every year to get out of town. Hope there's something in it's place.
  5. Ahhh. West Campus. Jack in the Box Pronto Magic Wok Commons House Hippies
  6. Weird. Eric Hall (NW HS in Clarksville, TN) my wife's high school. Malcolm Williams (Garland) my high school. I met Malcolm's mom a couple of years ago. She was a janitorial sub at my school. She saw my Texas hat and asked if I had heard of her son. She was extremely nice and still very proud of her son.
  7. Oh damn. I loved that Double Dave's. I was flat broke in college, but had a friend that was an asst mgr. there. Monday Night Football and pepperoni rolls.
  8. I went 20 years ('96 to 2015) between Austin visits. I got really claustrophobic in and around campus. It seemed so much more open when I was there - especially West Campus. Yep. I'm not so sure my stellar 3.1 high school GPA would get me into McCombs these days. I'm not entirely sure how I got in the first time. Congrats to both of y'all!
  9. Wow. That's like a 30 for 30 episode subject.
  10. He's taken film all four years in high school. He's definitely doing something behind the camera. He loves the writing and directing aspect of film. His best friend's mom, also a Texas alum, has made a pretty good career in creating content - editing, ads - for various businesses. So, prob something along those lines.
  11. Eat shit Canada.
  12. Son got accepted to UT today. One of his first comments - "Well, I'm not looking forward to basketball season next year."
  13. Just realized. My son will be at Texas for Arch; my wife was attending Tennessee when Peyton was QB. Weird.
  14. Holy S! I love all of y'all. My son got in. We were sweating. 3.85 GPA and 1410 on SAT (I think; don't quote me), but in an IB high school, he was "only" top 8%. He'll be in RTF. I'm so happy for him. He's slightly on the spectrum, so extremely quiet and shy. I've never heard him raise his voice or even cuss. He's had at least 8 job interviews over the past 3 months with no offers. I'm under the impression that his demeanor was a hindrance. And NOW.... a true Longhorn. Holy shit! My son is a Longhorn!
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