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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Knoxtnhorn


    Wait. That's the same plot as Yellowstone. I'll def watch because Helen Mirren is playing my great-grandmother on this show.
  2. Good. Maybe it'll negatively affect their performance today.
  3. Wow. Damn Peacock feed went out in the 89th min. Assumed Liverpool lost. What a surprising find.
  4. One guy said, "Imagine being too mentally ill to fit in at College Station". Lulz.
  5. To add, there are some extremely likeable people in the 2nd season. Enhances the other part of the show - survival.
  6. Oddly, I watched Season 1 but don't recall much about it. I don't want to spoil too much from Season 2, but the team requirement comes into play quite a bit. Watch what happens on Episode 1 with Bayo. It starts with a bang.
  7. Yep. Whoever they hire is probably going to suck because no intelligent coach would come into this hamstrung, dumpster fire.
  8. FYI and lol. There's an uncensored Naked and Afraid (Spain) on Max. Unfortunately, the women aren't very attractive. Plenty of penis if you like that. Also, there's a pretty cool show called Outlast on Netflix. Similar survival elements. Two Texas boys on Season 2.
  9. I'm curious as to how this lethargy affects recruiting as well. I check 247 and on3 almost daily. I haven't seen a "crystal ball" or whatever on3 does for Texas basketball in months. Sucks because I was a Texas basketball fan before I was a Texas football fan - thanks BMW - but I don't even care to watch 5 mins of this crap right now. I did check the box score during the game and saw that, w/o Tre's stats, the team was shooting 13 of 43 at one point. Good Lord.
  10. Just sucks because, going into the season, I was thinking this offense is going to average 45+ points a game. It's going to be like prime Lincoln Riley OU of a few years back. If the defense can just be average, we're going places. If you'd told me how good the defense was going to perform, I would have been thinking all-time great team. Bleh.
  11. Apologies for my drunk rant re: QE last night. I was out of line. I can be critical without name calling. That being said, thanks QE for helping bring Texas back. I will be rooting for you going forward, unless you end up at aggy or somesuch.
  12. That's what I don't understand as it pertains to Sark. You've got a QB that, at this point, is almost just a game manager. Problem is he might be the worst deep passer in college football AND he is absolutely no threat to run. That might work with a good running game but, our running game is only effective against junk teams - for the most part. So then, what's the point of starting an immobile QB, that can't throw deep, on a team that can't rely on the run? At the absolute least, Manning is a threat to run when the pocket breaks down or if short yards are needed. Oh well. I'll stop bitching now. Can't wait til next year.
  13. That was not on Quinn. Sark had 4 plays to get 1 yard. Agree but we've had many games this year bailed out by the defense. 14 pts tonight?
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