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Certifiably Surly
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About Knoxtnhorn

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  1. Sorry. Off topic, but I just looked it up. How in the holy hell did LSU lose 9 games that year with Shaq, Roberts, and Chris Jackson?
  2. This is definitely going better than the time I watched Texas play against Stanley Roberts and Shaq. Pretty sure I watched the game at Richardson Square Mall.
  3. Sweet. We did hit the rim once in our first three shots a foot from the basket. Edit: Make that 1 rim in 4 shots.
  4. Yeah. I'm telling myself not to be a bitch up 8 on the road, but it's so sloppy.
  5. Wow. According to 247, he was a 3-star and the 111th ranked d lineman in the country.
  6. My fav is the guy stating that he's not going to pay money to get talked down to - posted on Texas. Lol.
  7. It's tl;dr, so I'll bold the best parts. This is the first post on their game thread.
  8. LOL. I think the game broke Texags. It's down.
  9. I can't speak to hockey as I'm only a casual observer, but f's sake I wish injuries would stop detailing Dallas pro franchises. And, lulz, at 3 of OKC's 8 losses 🫴 coming from the Mavs.
  10. Props to the posters on here pumping Luna. I didn't see it in his first couple of games for the US, but he's a freaking stud.
  11. Knoxtnhorn


    Wait. That's the same plot as Yellowstone. I'll def watch because Helen Mirren is playing my great-grandmother on this show.
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