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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Thanks @billfromlaketravis I somehow have never seen the video you posted. 🤘
  2. All my Terry bitching aside, I wonder if this is a team that takes longer to gel each season due to turnover. I don't pay shitall attention to other programs, but I feel as if Texas' roster the last two years has had far more change than most. Perhaps the early season ugliness is more of a reflection on this than the coach. /ducks
  3. Sorry. Off topic, but I just looked it up. How in the holy hell did LSU lose 9 games that year with Shaq, Roberts, and Chris Jackson?
  4. This is definitely going better than the time I watched Texas play against Stanley Roberts and Shaq. Pretty sure I watched the game at Richardson Square Mall.
  5. Sweet. We did hit the rim once in our first three shots a foot from the basket. Edit: Make that 1 rim in 4 shots.
  6. Yeah. I'm telling myself not to be a bitch up 8 on the road, but it's so sloppy.
  7. Wow. According to 247, he was a 3-star and the 111th ranked d lineman in the country.
  8. My fav is the guy stating that he's not going to pay money to get talked down to - posted on Texas. Lol.
  9. It's tl;dr, so I'll bold the best parts. This is the first post on their game thread.
  10. LOL. I think the game broke Texags. It's down.
  11. I can't speak to hockey as I'm only a casual observer, but f's sake I wish injuries would stop detailing Dallas pro franchises. And, lulz, at 3 of OKC's 8 losses 🫴 coming from the Mavs.
  12. Props to the posters on here pumping Luna. I didn't see it in his first couple of games for the US, but he's a freaking stud.
  13. Knoxtnhorn


    Wait. That's the same plot as Yellowstone. I'll def watch because Helen Mirren is playing my great-grandmother on this show.
  14. Good. Maybe it'll negatively affect their performance today.
  15. Wow. Damn Peacock feed went out in the 89th min. Assumed Liverpool lost. What a surprising find.
  16. One guy said, "Imagine being too mentally ill to fit in at College Station". Lulz.
  17. To add, there are some extremely likeable people in the 2nd season. Enhances the other part of the show - survival.
  18. Oddly, I watched Season 1 but don't recall much about it. I don't want to spoil too much from Season 2, but the team requirement comes into play quite a bit. Watch what happens on Episode 1 with Bayo. It starts with a bang.
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