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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Weird. Lane Kiffin is trash talking BlowU. Fat Fuck Heupel is trash talking Texas. At the SEC Media Days today, he said there is only one UT and one color of orange or some shit.
  2. It's def a cluster. Our taxi driver was none too happy about it. Said he's leaving town during the race.
  3. Knoxtnhorn


    Do you fly with this? Just curious. Nevermind. Stupid question due to wine.
  4. @Jameslaw121 damn. This close to taking Em to the game today.
  5. Knoxtnhorn


    Lol. I never thought about that. On a $50 tab, that's $9, $10, or $11. What a difference! I waited tables for 10 damn years in Knoxville. Got my wife through grad school, then returned and got my teaching degree. *I'm always going to tip 25%+ even if the service sucks. I tell myself that there were probably plenty of times it appeared as if I was doing a bad job, but in fact, we were short handed or something else was going on. We grew up super poor and only got to go to a sit down restaurant when my grandparents took us, so I'm just happy to be able to take my family out to eat. *I do try distinguish between lack of attention and rudeness - the latter being somewhat unforgiveable.
  6. As previously stated, I wasn't a huge fan of Waz; however, when he began to discuss doing this for his family, I was cool with him winning. Between this show and Alone, I have a soft spot for those that are doing it for their kids/wives. I have so much respect for what these guys went through w/ the fire building. The most difficult thing I've ever done - physically - was running a marathon w/o training. I finished, but ended up in the ER that evening. I did that AFTER eating everything I wanted, sleeping in a bed, having AC, driving to the course, etc... I then suffered for a few hours before again getting food, water, and health care. They went through 2-3 days of extreme everything AFTER suffering for 40 days. Wow.
  7. Going back a page. Don't forget this dipshittery.
  8. Thanks for all the laughs, guys. I don't have time to "like" each post, but they're great. Hook 'Em!
  9. Not near as far back as, say, 1939.
  10. FYI. Need to Know (McDormand ep) is on YouTube. Watching now
  11. Yep. That was the 80's Twilight Zone. Guess I've got two weeks before school starts to watch a bunch of Twilight Zones.
  12. So in one day... SEC moves media days to Texas YEARS after aggy has been in the SEC. A. Smith doesn't know that Texas won the last matchup. Jimbo or aggy or Petrino doesn't know who's calling the plays. The players show up in sunglasses which - if you're GA or Bama - might have been cool, I guess. LOLOLOL.
  13. Yes! Forgot about that one. Wasn't it the one in which people were being whispered the meaning of life? When they found out they went crazy. It had a cool, final scene if it's the one I think is.
  14. Lulz. I was watching Gamecast, then ran downstairs to watch the end. Thank you Tampa.
  15. Lulz. I don't have the tweet, but documents show Jeremy Pruitt said he gave bags of Chick FIL A w/ $300 to recruits because he felt bad for George Floyd.
  16. Gotta check it out. I'm sure I've seen it, but don't recall.
  17. I'm a huge TZ fan. I think I've seen every episode except for some of the newest ones done by Jordan Peele. I watched a couple of them, and they weren't very good. I've actually drafted 7 "episodes/ideas" myself. I just need to get around to writing them "Time Enough at Last" is my favorite. Some more... To Serve Man Nightmare at 20,000 feet - both the original and movie versions The Masks The Invaders Believe it or not, the episodes that came out in the 80's had some good ones as well... Examination Day - All kids have to "pass" a certain test at age 12 The Shadow Man - Monster under a bed that "can't harm he under whose bed I sleep" Dead Run - Delivery to hell Something in the Walls - People are haunted by the patterns they see in the walls I can't find the name, but there's one about a guy trying to stop smoking.
  18. I buy it every year. Unlike Dave Campbell's, the quality continues to be spot on.
  19. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Quick question/statement about Slonina. I read somewhere that he's technically not cap tied to the US yet. I may have even read it on here. If this is true, what in the holy hell is US Soccer doing? Perhaps it's not as much of an inconvenience as I'm thinking it is. Perhaps he was going to be in the country/area anyway. But, I'd be furious if I just spent most of my little time off playing US soccer camp w/o even making the pitch. And I'm speaking to the start of Johnson, not the knockout games with Turner.
  20. That's what I was thinking. 5 shots, no hits.
  21. Yes. The 101st ranked offense proves it sips. Each your heart out 102nd ranked Nebraska.
  22. @Jameslaw121 has my back on this one. Our father is the unhappiest sporting fan in the history of the world. I've actually seen him bitch about the Cowboys during a Super Bowl win. It's odd because I'll just step away from my teams' fandom for a bit if I get unhappy. A couple of years ago, Motley County was playing in the state championship game at Jerryworld. I figured I'd take him. He loves football. He memorizes Dave Campbell's every year. His father played for Motley County in the 30's. I think Motley County was the underdog; however, they're up going into the 2nd quarter. The starting QB gets hurt which, I presume for 6-man, is the kiss of death. He gets so angry about how the back up is doing that he decides he's going to sit the 2nd half out in the car. So, we ended up leaving at halftime. p.s. Outside of sports, he is a really good guy that will do anything for his family.
  23. Season 10; episode 4
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