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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Lulz. I was watching Gamecast, then ran downstairs to watch the end. Thank you Tampa.
  2. Lulz. I don't have the tweet, but documents show Jeremy Pruitt said he gave bags of Chick FIL A w/ $300 to recruits because he felt bad for George Floyd.
  3. Gotta check it out. I'm sure I've seen it, but don't recall.
  4. I'm a huge TZ fan. I think I've seen every episode except for some of the newest ones done by Jordan Peele. I watched a couple of them, and they weren't very good. I've actually drafted 7 "episodes/ideas" myself. I just need to get around to writing them "Time Enough at Last" is my favorite. Some more... To Serve Man Nightmare at 20,000 feet - both the original and movie versions The Masks The Invaders Believe it or not, the episodes that came out in the 80's had some good ones as well... Examination Day - All kids have to "pass" a certain test at age 12 The Shadow Man - Monster under a bed that "can't harm he under whose bed I sleep" Dead Run - Delivery to hell Something in the Walls - People are haunted by the patterns they see in the walls I can't find the name, but there's one about a guy trying to stop smoking.
  5. I buy it every year. Unlike Dave Campbell's, the quality continues to be spot on.
  6. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Quick question/statement about Slonina. I read somewhere that he's technically not cap tied to the US yet. I may have even read it on here. If this is true, what in the holy hell is US Soccer doing? Perhaps it's not as much of an inconvenience as I'm thinking it is. Perhaps he was going to be in the country/area anyway. But, I'd be furious if I just spent most of my little time off playing US soccer camp w/o even making the pitch. And I'm speaking to the start of Johnson, not the knockout games with Turner.
  7. That's what I was thinking. 5 shots, no hits.
  8. Yes. The 101st ranked offense proves it sips. Each your heart out 102nd ranked Nebraska.
  9. @Jameslaw121 has my back on this one. Our father is the unhappiest sporting fan in the history of the world. I've actually seen him bitch about the Cowboys during a Super Bowl win. It's odd because I'll just step away from my teams' fandom for a bit if I get unhappy. A couple of years ago, Motley County was playing in the state championship game at Jerryworld. I figured I'd take him. He loves football. He memorizes Dave Campbell's every year. His father played for Motley County in the 30's. I think Motley County was the underdog; however, they're up going into the 2nd quarter. The starting QB gets hurt which, I presume for 6-man, is the kiss of death. He gets so angry about how the back up is doing that he decides he's going to sit the 2nd half out in the car. So, we ended up leaving at halftime. p.s. Outside of sports, he is a really good guy that will do anything for his family.
  10. Season 10; episode 4
  11. @Clintonaldo Oops. What I wrote about my daughter sounded flippant. She finishes her MBA next month, but wasn't supposed to walk until December. I gave her a choice of all of us coming up OR all of us going to Vegas. She chose Vegas. In doing so, I still wanted to come up and see her before school (teachers) starts back for my wife and me. Anyway, we def need to have a beer sometime in the future. I'll be relying on you and your connections for the first UT v UT game.
  12. Damn man. Calhoun's. I hadn't thought about that place in awhile. I'm thinking about coming up for a couple of days in two weeks. My daughter is about to get her MBA from Carson Newman. I had already planned on Central Taps and Flats, and a couple of other nostalgic food spots. I might have to add Calhouns.
  13. Lulz. Sweater God, true story. The company I worked for in Knoxville circa 1997 hired a new VP. He buys this super fancy house. A couple of months after moving in, he finds something like $20K in a space behind a panel in one of his closets. The previous owner was TN's basketball coach. I think Jerry Green or Kevin O'Neil. Can't recall which. Could it have just been a careless accident? Sure. But I'm pretty sure most people would keep track of that much money if it belonged specifically to them. @Clintonaldo It was one of those super nice houses off Pellissippi Pkwy, between Loudon and Farragut.
  14. The reunion show should be fun.
  15. Thanks for the info. The one time my grandfather tried to take me hunting - I was about - did not go well. We were trying to kill some racoons that kept getting into the garden. I purposely made a bunch of noise each time we saw the reflection of their eyes in the trees. He probably killed them all the next night.
  16. At this point, I want either Gary or Steven to win. Waz is a useless, POS. Him telling others what to do w/o seemingly accomplishing anything himself rubs me the wrong way. Dan is ok, but a follower. Steven seems like a genuinely nice guy. Gary is crazy, but funny and fair. Jeff. Geez man. I know he got somewhat screwed by the producers. I don't think they gave the contestants clear guidance as to how this was supposed to go. They've always been there to help their partner make it to the end. Suddenly, they're supposed to not want anyone else to get to the end EXCEPT at the beginning where they wouldn't make it unless their partner made it to day 21. It seems convoluted. All that being said, one can be confident, even cocky, without denigrating others. His play doesn't bother me as much as his mouth. For example, keeping the pelts to himself is a perfectly fine strategy if that's what the game is supposed to be. Rubbing it in and making others suffer takes it too far. Anyway, curious as to how this ends up.
  17. I just started Season 10. I've got a question for any of y'all that hunt. In Season 9, and on previous seasons, those that hunt have been careful not to take a lazy shot. Losing arrows aside, they were extremely concerned about the cruelty a "bad" shot would be to a maimed animal. In Season 9, a couple of them wouldn't even take shots on a beaver that was just a few feet in front of them because they weren't 100% they could get to the animal. On ep 1 of Season 10, the guy from Hawaii took two shots at a bear that were so far away, he missed the entire 400 lb animal. Granted, I know you can't just walk up to a bear close enough to ensure the shot was good, but was what he did appropriate? If the kill zone on a bear is less than 25%, and he missed twice, wasn't he more likely to just maim the bear than kill it? I'm just curious as one who has never hunted. I have a lot of respect for those that are literally starving, but are respectful enough not to take a bad shot.
  18. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    I mean, when you put your CB in as the 5th taker over your supposed #10... Yes, I know it's just his number, but good Lord he's terrible.
  19. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Of course. I had to be Roldan. Fucking scrub.
  20. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    It wasn't a criticism. It was a bad ass shot that went off his shin.
  21. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Whelp. We got the better keeper, but I don't trust our PK takers.
  22. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Any idea what the discriminatory chants are?
  23. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    I typed my last response before your post @ztejas. It wasn't in response to what you typed.
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