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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    I've been pretty hyped about tonight until... I watched a replay of last year's semi and final. Way too much Lletget, Roldan, Zardes, Areola, etc. Yes, I know the pool is limited and all but, geez. I'm spoiled by our A team.
  2. Lol. The same actress that made Sons of Anarchy such a beating to watch at times. As per Mad Men... @billfromlaketravis is correct.
  3. Geez. This first episode is giving me uncomfortable scene flashbacks.
  4. Yep. And when the two chicks at the bar open up the laptop to look up "Joan is Awful", one of the shows is called "Finding Ritman", another, "Junipiero Dreaming". Not really a spoiler, but I'll do so anyway... from inverse.com.
  5. Damn. I'm about to watch Mazey Day first to see what all of the neg hype is about.
  6. Looking forward to binging this when I return from vacation. Would y'all say the new eps are true to the originals? I didn't particularly like the last season as it seemed more " star power" than true story telling.
  7. Knoxtnhorn

    Of course

    Too bad Fupa Outfitters was already taken.
  8. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Yep. There was a time when seeing Jay Demerit on the pitch for Championship side Watford was a pretty big deal.
  9. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    I guess this makes the Gold Cup more intriguing. We win. Cool. We lose. Burn the witch!
  10. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    F sakes. The Black Mirror reference is spot on.
  11. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    It's been awhile since I've been unable to pick apart the starting 11. Let's go!
  12. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2023

    Just made it to the hotel. F Mexico. At least for 2-3 days a year.
  13. Ha! Wife and I visited Vegas last spring for our honeymoon. When we left, we marked it off the bucket list and figured we wouldn't be back. Except for that we just booked a trip for mid-July to take the boys. And, we just booked another trip for December to celebrate my daughter finishing up her MBA.
  14. Just finished. Damn. That guy is messed up...
  15. Eesh. At the 11 second mark, there's a guy in a green shirt twice as high as this guy.
  16. It is odd. Kind of like how they twist themselves into knots between the "We're the state power/big bro v. why does Texas always get what they want?".
  17. I'm wondering if Jeff might be on the spectrum. I get all the signs of narcissism and whatnot, but he seems genuinely surprised and hurt when folks "play the game" in a similar fashion. Thing is, part of the "game" is social, and he blew that up on Day 1. I'm interested as to how they're going to cull the herd over the next 25 days. Nobody looks ready to tap at this point.
  18. The US got out coached? Shocking.
  19. You sound like you wouldn't appreciate the Las Vegas Target my wife made us walk to last year. Yes, that was on our list when we visited last year
  20. I've got an all-timer coming up. I'll try and make it short. So, a couple of years ago, some might recall the multitude of stories about my SIL. Refused to work, drew disability for 2+ years, etc... Well, she finally got a job and "got better". She's been tolerable as of late. Well, her birthday had been coming up, so my wife and she decide they want to go to New Orleans. Cool. Have a great weekend. I'll bullet the rest... For some reason, they decide the best plan of action would be to fly to New Orleans in the morning then, fly back that evening. I implored them to stay overnight. I mean, neither would ever delve into the nightlife, but I figured staying would keep them from being rushed. Whatever. They stick with the day plan. SIL's birthday. She has the final say-so. So two round trip plane tickets to essentially eat lunch in another city. As simple as this plan should have been, they, of course, miss their flight. I have told my procrastinating wife many, many times that flights are not the time to fuck around and find out. Well, they FAAFO. Now they're on a later flight, Dallas to Atlanta, then back to NO --- for the day. This may be the best part. And, I'm so glad I waited until today to get the rest of the story. They finally make it to New Orleans around noon. Return flight leaves at 7. There's not a ton of time to see and do everything they want to do. Guess what SIL decided to do first? Miniature golf. I'm dead effing serious. It's her birthday, in New Orleans, a city she's never visited, and she wants to play miniature golf during the 4 or so hours they have to visit New Orleans. Jesus. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. /Richard Dreyfuss
  21. Binged it yesterday. Spoilered.
  22. So why would the SEC not have considered Arlington during the 10+ years aggy was already there? Ask them.
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