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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Lol. I read that in the voice of Matthew Modine.
  2. Seriously. Every week it gets worse. How can neither PI or targeting not be called on that?
  3. Bug 12 refs are not great at it.
  4. On a serious note, @fattyflattie us correct. This is the site I've frequented.
  5. Agree. One of the only takeaways I got from taking stupid advertising in college is that you never, ever want anything w/ a negative connotation to appear in your ad. All people will think about is how gross the ad is.
  6. How can you make the ads for the worst company (AT&T) with the worst spokesperson (Lilly) worse? Add Lebron James. Fuck's sake.
  7. Is this going to be separate checks? Jesus. What? Jesus. Huh? What? Jesus.
  8. Odd. The twins are not a fave. I like the brothers, Jamaicans, and tall girl/ short guy.
  9. Loving the season thus far. I'm getting soft in my old age and now find rooting for the nicest of the nice better than drama and rooting for a team crash and burn.
  10. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2022

    Just finished. Not sure what I'd have thought 3 weeks ago if you'd told me the only achiever of my 3 favorite teams would be the Cowboys.
  11. I was pretty much in the 3-4 loss camp before Week 1. I went to 2-3 losses after Bama. Now, I have no idea. What's concerning is that Tech should have been our 1st or 2nd easiest game remaining.
  12. Of course aggy has 4 first downs and is only down a point. IIRC, they got outgained by shitty Miami last week by quite a bit as well.
  13. Lived there for 20 years. Wife is a grad. Both tvs on here.
  14. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2022

    Most everything has already been said. My takeaway is, how in the F can a team littered with some pretty elite players not have a shot on goal? Like, that seems almost impossible. Apparently, we did the same against Panama a year ago.
  15. Stay downtown. Try not to ever, EVER get on any highways or roads in a car. I've never seen a city so ill-prepared to handle growth. Ok, perhaps Austin. But, Nashville is next.
  16. Oh great. Like I need another show to watch. House of Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Welcome to Wrexham, Kobra Kai, etc... I don't have time for all this.... ... tuning in right now.
  17. Damn. We just might be the same person. I could have typed that. Though, my latest brush with back pain seems to be higher up. I've been pinching the same nerve off and on for over a year now. Wake up feeling like I slept incorrectly, pins and needles in one arm, feels like a knife between my shoulder blade and spine. It usually goes away after a couple of weeks; however, this time, it's really kicking my ass. It's gone from straight up nerve pain/sciatica to feeling like something is torn in my shoulder blade area. It actually burns as if someone is stretching the muscles too much. Fun times.
  18. Lol. When Garland played at North McKinney, they had some sort of senior thing before the game. I'm thinking, "Cool. Whaevs." This effing thing went on for almost 45 minutes. I guess they were allowing the senior class to get called and walk the field with family. I see @blacklab had already written something similar.
  19. When the other team does well, he sounds like my wife ordering at a drive thru. Pitch goes up multiple steps
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