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J.R. Juniors Junior Jr.

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Everything posted by J.R. Juniors Junior Jr.

  1. Any idea on the O/U for the title game? 110?
  2. They take alcohol abuse seriously in MN. He shouldn't have abused that beer like that.
  3. Raftery: "Size 30 sleeve" on the block. What is he, a T-Rex?
  4. The shooting roll is always terrible at these football stadium setups. Remember the Duke-Butler, final? The rims were brutal in that game.
  5. Uh-oh there's weather happening. That means it's the weatherman's time to shine, game be damned.
  6. https://sports.theonion.com/tom-izzo-calls-2019-spartans-best-team-he-s-ever-threat-1833849663
  7. As opposed to Nebraska, which is offering their fans the chance to vote for their choice of the following groundbreaking and not at all similar court designs: https://journalstar.com/sports/huskers/mens-basketball/nebraska-releases-new-basketball-court-options-for-fan-vote/article_e107b699-834f-583a-b567-e0764b3ac501.html#4
  8. That CMU chick was raining threes in the skills competition.
  9. Get an Uber/Lyft. RRPD ain't letting you slip by. Hell, they may have read this already.
  10. For those making the "We're number 65/69!" comments, Marshall just beat Green Bay for the CIT championship. What the hell number are they?
  11. If you're a CBB coach and you don't want your program to move to the ACC, you're a wimp.
  12. To be fair, if you win the NIT, you're somewhere around #40.
  13. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/471a15c4-84f2-4296-8ad3-fea000cb0edd
  14. They undersold the best part, when her singing performance at the Gathering of the Juggalos turned the crowd into an angry mob bent on killing her. https://music.avclub.com/when-juggalos-attack-a-firsthand-account-of-the-tila-t-1798221371
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