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J.R. Juniors Junior Jr.

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Everything posted by J.R. Juniors Junior Jr.

  1. And to think on SiriusXMU yesterday afternoon they were worried this game would be a Bishop Sycamore situation.
  2. 35-17 midway through the 3Q is amazingly weak. Imagine if FAMU had all their guys.
  3. Yes, the patented boring-ass young conservative cast member on The Real World. Guaranteed to ruin the vibe.
  4. I’m glad I’m not the only one. She just has a look that makes you think that if you were her man, she’d let you do absolutely anything to her.
  5. I finally got it after evading it all this time. Wife got back from business trip to Orlando, tested positive day after she came back, as did I. With the usual incubation period, I’m led to believe we each picked it up separately. So far kids are negative .
  6. For those of you debating the relative high power or not of the rifles, check out what this doctor at the scene found.
  7. So…no one has ever observed Arch squinting, right?
  8. Welp, the people of Omaha are in for a “treat” next week.
  9. As opposed to being intrigued by the idea of moving to NWA…only to realize they mean Northwest Arkansas.
  10. Luckily, I know someone who can explain to potential candidates how a turnaround works:
  11. Jim Larranaga very much sounds like an old guy from the northeast that moved to Miami. Great coach, though.
  12. That's what people at the Youtube link are saying: that there was another tank to the right that was blown up in that flash. Damn, that's nasty.
  13. Holy shit! How long was that guy that hits the ground at the end in the air?
  14. I find it amusing how many of these commercials with mascots show several schools left out of the field this year. I’ve seen Syracuse, Maryland, Oregon, Virginia and a couple others not in the dance so far in ads they likely shot a few weeks ago.
  15. Yes they are. They were talking about it this morning on ESPNU radio. It's a new Wilson ball. Apparently the balls really handle well.
  16. Serious smack talk here. I'm not a war expert, but are both sides usually on the same channel like that? Seems weird. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">alleged Ukrainian and Russian radio exchanges during combat <a href="https://t.co/47sSCx5L9z">pic.twitter.com/47sSCx5L9z</a></p>&mdash; Mithaldu 🌻🐾🥥🏝️ (@mithaldu) <a href="https://twitter.com/mithaldu/status/1498972663548682244?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 2, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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