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Everything posted by ruitxn

  1. Yes his quality Sam Houston experience landed that big Tulane job. Horn ready
  2. I agree with you, but hitting instruction is only a piece of the quality hitter persona. Even on this thread you read about Cody last year. When Cody came to the plate he was an athlete, what I call approaching the plate with a “presence”. On our roster now even Pierce’s youngsters, I do not see one example of Presence Athlete. I’ve watched every UT game on LHN and I generally observe that most Big 12 and SEC teams have better, stronger team overall athleticism than us. If we ever hope to have an elite level program we have to have not just good solid recruits, but we have to recruit...then develop “elite presence” athletes.
  3. So you think Sam Houston Pierce is the future for Horn baseball
  4. Dems, ACA, Medicare, Medicaid. How many years since Repubs had any healthcare initiative
  5. No, 400 redacted pages of Republican ass wipes.
  6. You know the pairings are by draw.
  7. CDC isn’t going to do anything this year. The real problem is next year after both programs fail to make the kind of improvements needed and really shows what fans and CDC already knows about how flawed our coaches are. I think Shaka will be gone next year but it looks like to me we are still 2-3 years from getting a real women’s basketball coach. Primarily due to the Plonsky, Jodi effect and their head-in-the sand followers. I know them, and I’m sure most of you do to, and they aren’t close to being ready for a coaching change.
  8. I really like Parker. A great recruit. Just a freshman in a critical position but I guarantee she will not be intimidated.
  9. How about lazy, out of shape for bigs. My description starts there.
  10. If this is a historical trip, you may consider going on to Ruidoso instead of Carlsbad. Cool respite in the mountains in the summer with all kinds of housing and great food. Short drive when leaving to historical Billy the Kid Trail town of Lincoln. Nice drive on to Fort Sumner or further.
  11. Wife at Total Wines for wine decided to get me some bourbon. She knew I was a fan of Blantons, of course they didn’t have any. On the sales recommendation she brought home a bottle of Jefferson’s Reserve. I haven’t seen any discussion here about it, but not bad for a 44 dollar bottle. I was very surprised...smooth, 90, small batch. I might try some more. Any other comments if you have tried it?
  12. Between Chris and Jodi and their kiss ass supporters, CDC finds himself in a damn mess. Good luck Mr. AD. This program, just as men’s, is beyond sick and beyond revamping but too many supporters can’t see this yet.
  13. You have a corroded stagnated dip shit brain. How do I know? Because you are all mouth tonight and don’t know shit about what is in the Mueller report just like everyone else.
  14. This is isn’t a new revelation as some vociferate since Trump. It has been a reality for decades but the stench of the shitbags is certainly growing.
  15. We pay Pierce to make these decisions. If he continues to make program improvements and on field performance then I’m not second guessing his opinions on adjusting schedules. He is going to do what he wants anyway, and I support that.
  16. Are you sure ? Rosie said Trump was a deep thinker and genius. You must have missed that tweet.
  17. Anyone else tired of sloppy lazy basketball?
  18. Hate it but he will always be a hero of mine
  19. Yes they are smarter than the olds
  20. Actually I think they are arguing to increase bovine farts so that the outside external air quality would equal the inside internal Crispy fart air quality of your house. Asking for your wife.
  21. Agree, good teachers will do their best to teach the students they have. Let me ask you. Do you think good teachers would rather teach a class of 25 or 45? Do you think it takes the same amount of time, the same mental and physical planning and remediation for 25 students as it does for 45? If you have ever had the responsibility of teaching school age children all day long, surely you realize 25 students is a daunting task. Excellent teachers should be respected by having class sizes that are productive and manageable. I certainly agree with current expectations of near 25 students in a classroom. It is not just about teachers though. As a parent, I want my kids in as small a classroom as possible. Put my kids with a quality teacher and 24 students, go ahead and put your kids with the same teacher and 44. Suits me!!
  22. She should be more worried about what she puts on the floor than the seedings
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