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Posts posted by ruitxn

  1. On 1/2/2019 at 3:28 PM, Lobo said:

    And keep in mind, it's been 10 years since we beat OU two consecutive times.  that last third of the season with road games at TCU, Iowa State, and Baylor has stumble written all over it.  LSU is a toss-up.  All that said, with tie-breakers, I think we'd be hard pressed not to grab the #2 bid to the Big XII Championship again.  

    We win the B12 outright, with no more than 1 loss we have a chance for big four.  Anything less we are out period.  I would love a Big XII Championship next year and another big bowl win.

  2. 2 hours ago, torre said:

    Good summary of the situation in this article.     I wish the best for Major.:


    Cougar fans have shown their displeasure with the Applewhite regime in several ways: there’s no enthusiasm around the program, season tickets are slipping, and there are thousands of empty seats at home games.



    Houston has never had enthusiasm around the program, they never sell many season tickets, there are always thousands of empty seats at every football game.  What is the problem?

  3. 9 minutes ago, RPM said:

    I see you have not been to Rednecks with Paychecks.

    Actually, I am very familiar with St Jo, Texas and Montague County.  Saint Jo once was a thriving community with banks, commerce, family ranches and farms, and some shallow oil fields.  Today, they have no banks, no commerce, a small poor Texas town.  They recently lost their only grocery store.  Saint Jo still has a respected small ISD whose graduates go to work or universities in urban areas...Denton, Fort Worth, Wichita Falls.  I guarantee you the majority of leavers are not Cletus in their music, entertainment, or culture.  They are gone and they are not rural hillbillies.

    Yes, Saint Jo hosts RWP to lure any money they can to their town. Sure rednecks from Oklahoma, Texoma, come run their mud machines and go home. By the way this is a very small venue.  I actually know.

    Yes, Cletus is a vanishing breed even in rural areas.

  4. 9 minutes ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    This what I don't get about the GOP. Cletus is never going to cross party lines. You could piss on Cletus and shit on his wife and both will still pull the GOP lever.

    Cletus is a vanishing breed even in rural areas.  Politics will be changing soon.  The real issue is whether or not Trump replacements are worthy and true patriots.

  5. 35 minutes ago, fellside said:

    I don't really understand the panic.  The only position of need where we actually might need some of these recruits to start next year is linebacker.  De'Gabriel Floyd is perhaps the best player in this class, and Caleb Johnson is perhaps the most ready to play.

    Everywhere else is about depth.  And I think we are solid at depth at QB, RB, WR, TE, OT, DL, LB and DB.  The only real place we need more depth is interior line, and we have two more months to find some bodies.

    It's easy to say we're only getting elite WR and DB, but it's not the case.

    I agree with your post..but RB???

  6. 55 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Or maybe Elliott is an elite recruiter. You don't pull recruits like he has from all over the country unless you can recruit. 

    You can question some of Elliott's deficiency's like ball control and so on but when you start downplaying his recruiting ability it's laughable. He's probably the best recruiter in college volleyball. 

    Elliott would recruit well at any P5 program in the country. If it's so easy to recruit top 5 classes every year to Austin we need to fire every other coach on campus because they can't do it. 

    Thanks TS I was just going to post basically the same thing. Right on.

  7. 2 minutes ago, WBT said:

    Oh well, we would have just been run out of the gym for the 3rd time by Stanford any way.  The BYU-Stanford rematch should be good.  We need to get things back on track.  It was getting to where we expected the final four every year, now it's been 2 in a row out at the regional final.

    Illini is really good also. Hard hitters just like BYU

  8. 1 hour ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant, but what does bringing in Beaty do?  I mean his resume at least on the surface doesn't have the "wow" factor you do see from time to time from former HC's who go back to being Assitants after giving it a go as their own boss and failing.  

    Well he did score 40 on ou but mainly he can recruit in Dallas where we are sucking now 

  9. 52 minutes ago, Not a Sock said:

    Herman needs to learn he isn't in the big 10 any more you can't go up by to two scores and then fucking turtle and still win. You have to keep moving the ball how many fucking  collapses have we seen this year because we get way to conservative and let the other team get back in. And this mentality infects the team and leads to them playing lazy when we have a lead and it causes problems.

    Been saying this for two years now. Plus 10 yarder lobs over shrimp DBs to LJH and CJ could not have been stopped  Love coaches who take what opponents give you. Just continue what works

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