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Everything posted by bullzak

  1. Ferguson is a clown. Google any of the myriad doom and gloom predictions he has made that never came close. Fuck that idiot. I should imagine there are way more people moving through and about London than there ever could be in, say Stockholm over any given time. Extremely dense and mobile population with major international airport. Same reason NYC was always going to be screwed. Plus Sweden is coming under a lot of fire for its higher death rate relative to its neighbors so not sure they get a pass just yet.
  2. I like LeMond but I wonder about the PED. I dont think anyone really presses him on it. In the 1980s you could probably get away with anything but massive doses of testosterone. See: East Germany and USSR Olympic teams. Cycling has been dirty forever. I have doubts you could win the TDF anytime in the last 40 years without taking something. So really the question is whether LeMond is clean or just a paragon of virtue next to an asshole like Armstrong. Guess we will never really know.
  3. To me that is the more interesting story. Would rather see that documentary myself. It seems that at least LA is acknowledging that he was a total shithead. Not sure how much it really matters but it is something. Haven't really kept up but does anyone think there was any rider in the peloton during that time that was clean? Not sure that was even possible.
  4. These very real possibilities to the upside are why people need to tap the brakes on the "everything is going to be different forever" mantra. Lot of recency bias going on there. I am finding that WFH is a luxury but it gets really old. Love my office and am ready to get back in there and commiserate with my colleagues. Hell, if Covid runs its course within a year I will do what I was doing before, but more of it. MOAR sporting events, bars, restaurants, concerts. We are social animals. Hope my liver is up for the challenge.
  5. Mask indoors. No mask outdoors keeping distance. Nobody is getting this outdoors or from ATM and doorknobs. People get this inside, close quarters. 99%. Gigantic difference between detectable amounts of Covid RNA and transmissible virus. Understand this and act accordingly. Wash your damn hands. All the time. All IMHO not a doctor.
  6. A man will go places with a hardon he would never go with just a gun.
  7. Love GS and how the NBA has evolved. Love watching skilled players dominate. But I still have the Bulls. Their era was ruthlessly more physical and they changed to meet that challenge. Led the league in defensive efficiency for most of the run. Only had two playoff series even go to 7 games. Beat SEVEN 60 win teams in the playoffs. You're talking teams that stayed together and got better every year too. Those cats knew how to get in gear and close it out. In today game where you cant breathe on anybody what the hell do you do with MJ? Seriously the dude would average 50 ppg and wouldn't even be breathing hard.
  8. Also the banks have no interest in foreclosure. They ended up eating a ton of shit in 2008 on their foreclosed inventory. That model died as a bank money maker a long time ago. Extend and recap. Going to be a ton of that.
  9. Easy to say you could have saved 36,000 lives by closing a week early. Hell you could have saved 50,000 by really locking down nursing homes. That was the easiest, and we had the data to support that a long time ago. 20/20 hindsight and what not.
  10. First rule of investing is "dont fight the Fed." They have been a big player in markets way before twitter. We can argue about whether that makes sense or not but to deny it and say its unfair is folly. Personally I think its gone up way too far and too fast. Thats great for me but I sure as shit wouldn't be a buyer in here. Better entry points have to be coming once all the BK start rolling through. Even the Fed cant stop that.
  11. Man I hate wearing a mask but I think its pretty likely the N95 works pretty well. Think there are a fair amount of studies on that but I am way too lazy to look it up.
  12. Never believed it was easy to get from a doorknob. Just because you can detect the RNA of a virus doesn't mean its transmissible. I dont think you need a mask outside in general.
  13. That would be in line with the 1957 flu epidemic. 116,000 deaths 172 million population in US. Not great but not unprecedented. At this rate might even say pretty likely by say end of 2021.
  14. Part of being a Karen is being pissed off. All the time. About everything, but especially trivial shit.
  15. The cynic in me says that is Governor Fatass' strategy. Why does he mention Trump in every press conference like he caused the Rona directly? People will be at the lake front by the tens of thousands shortly either way. This is getting stupid. And good luck getting them to cite the data they are looking at. Whats the big mystery?
  16. In that episode the KC Mob is George Mikan and the Cartel is Hakeem Olajuwon.
  17. IMHO this is going to feel pretty stupid when a year from now they prove definitively that 95+% of the cases [and almost all the deaths] are from breathing air of an infected person in closed spaces. I bet its almost impossible to get this outside. Extremely rare from a doorknob. I get the caution but its time to start getting a little more specific on a lot of things. Where we have data, get into it and use it wisely. Where we dont, use some common sense and assume that in terms of transferability this will act like other coronas. The neurotics in charge are getting completely carried away. You cant even go to the lakefront parks in Chicago. Ridiculous.
  18. In aggregate hedge funds are just fee extraction devices. Net of fee returns as a class have been shit and probably always will be.
  19. One thing on death rates I haven't really seen discussed. If this coronavirus works like flu where hot weather dampens its effect, then bear in mind the whole southern hemisphere was in summer when this broke out and potentially they are heading into it. The seasons are about to reverse. If you go apples to apples you have to go by weather zones, density, age, and access to international travel. And of course access and quality of testing. Point being NYC was always going to be a shitshow this winter, and New Zealand never would.
  20. As far as death numbers I think per capita is the only meaningful number. Italy was 520/million. US is 270/million. Still high, but when you take out the nursing homes, and so much of that was unforced error, I bet you get well below 200/million. Quoting gross numbers on anything is kinda bullshit. Magnitude and relativity is what counts.
  21. Last 70 years, Ex-Jordan, there have been two seasons where a player was the scoring champ and won the NBA title. Jordan did it six times. In an era where you could flat out mug someone without a foul, and they did it all the time. All NBA first team defense 9 times. Funny to watch people twist themselves into knots trying to argue he wasn't the GOAT. Dude would average 40 a game in todays NBA without breaking a sweat.
  22. As for Illinois, the Public Health Director said 90% of deaths have an underlying condition. More evidence we dont all have the same risk profile and we need to open up intelligently. Spend our resources protecting those at risk and lets be smart and start the comeback.
  23. Warm weather and lack of public transportation have to be part of it, outside of Atlanta. Hopefully this virus acts like others in that respect and things calm down over the summer before the fall wave.
  24. Pretty sure Mizzou has never made the Final Four. Amazing actually. Love KC. Loathe STL. Faded glory by half a century and they cant admit it. Most provincial place ever. Look, nobody really gives a fuck where you went to high school, especially when you are 50. Married a Mizzou gal and the folks I know are nice enough but there are a lot of times where they dont remember where they are in the food chain and it becomes an issue. They usually get reminded soon enough.
  25. I am generally pretty pro law enforcement but this is brownshirt level shit right here.
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