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Posts posted by bullzak

  1. 9 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    I’m sure this is all just about increase in testing too

    Maybe not entirely. % positive is evidently going down as we ramp testing across the country. 

    Not happy about the case increases but we have to see more. AZ is supposedly combining antibody tests which makes no sense if we are trying to stay current. 

    I think we can all agree the data aggregation is a huge mess. 

    Some talk the increase is hopping the border from Mexico?


  2. A shooting happens in an instant. Maybe its dark, everybody jumpy, and someone makes a bad call in a nano second. Not defending it but you can see how that would happen. 

    This was a redneck cop intent on inflicting as much pain as possible on a person who was clearly no threat. No way anyone can relate to the need to keep your knee on this guys neck for damn near 10 minutes. 

    Mix that with a widespread view that the police have been overly militarized and years of this kind of behavior and all the COVID frustration and here you are. 

  3. How numbers can be manipulated: Arizona has a spike in cases. People are throwing out numbers of hospitalizations which a lot of us think of as salient data. 

    I would submit you need to dig deeper and find out are those people in there from a week ago or are these recent admissions:

    Both of these things can be true but they can be interpreted completely differently, no?

    • Like 3
  4. 33 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

    My company provided antibody tests today and two people on my floor tested positive and were sent home immediately. Maybe my understanding is off, but doesn't the test show you had exposure to this thing in the past? This isn't a viral test so that means they do not necessarily have it currently, correct?

    If the test result is accurate it would seem they should stay. Leave it to HR to do the wrong thing, pretty much every time. Well done. 

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Rougarou said:

    I thought I read that the original guy who hid this was this guy who "found" the treasure, he went and retrieved it because nobody found it (and possibly because people were dying). That alone is suspicious under the "was it ever really hidden" file. Also, he claimed he will keep it anonymous-- strike 2.

    Lastly the kicker and strike 3, on why this seems like a stupid scam is because his whole point was to "encourage people to see the outdoors". Sounds like a grifter trying to get free publicity for his art dealing and relics dealing.

    Yeah, most people are really just full of shit. 

    Good bet this treasure guy is too. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    The devil is in the details. What are the "new cases"? Asymptomatic? Hospitalizations? Age? 

    Twitter is the worst for "drive by" commentary used to inflame. 

    Understood. Unfortunately the intake on those stats just isn't consistent at state and CDC level. 

    Twitter sucks in general but at least this guy is putting his analysis out there. I maybe understand about half of it. Would be interested to see a stat monster take it on. 

    I tend to favor the specific over the general so think this is at least interesting. 

  7. I love to listen to people bitch about the Fed. It helps me ID who missed the move. 

    Rule Number One is Dont Fight the Fed. Rule Number Two is see Rule Number One. Been that way forever. 

    Fed signaled during the last crisis they were going to reflate and easy money helped propel the bull. Same thing this time with even more fiscal policy from Congress. 

    Doesn't do any good to bitch about it, but you have to recognize the effects. 

    My BIL was a floor trader who shorted all the time after 2009 because he was playing the way he thought things should be, instead of the way things are. 

    More worried about being the smartest guy in the room, rather than making money. 

    Now he lives in a fucking van down by the river. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  8. Anybody ever look at this guys Twitter? Cant tell if he legit or not. Looks like a deep dive into the numbers daily. At any rate his point about testing and cases stands. MSM is all over cases with no context, rendering same useless as a metric. 

    Reading his thread he says this is over already in the states and the numbers will verify as we go. 


  9. 13 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    There's no way asymptomatic people spread as much as symptomatic people...now how big is the difference?  That's obviously the million dollar question.

    We need to resolve this for schools to reopen I think. Having kids wear masks all day is never going to work. 

    We need to establish rare asymptomatic spread, and that kids in particular do not spread easily. 

    Not sure that has really happened yet. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Hate said:

    I’d love to see an age breakdown in the Covid hospitalizations spike. Are these young healthy people or are these older people (60+) that should be heeding warnings to stay at home or be especially cautious?

    Demographics is everything on this. 

    The base data is messy, the interpretation are even worse. 

    For now I will ascribe that to stupidity and not malice. For now. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 6/3/2020 at 7:57 PM, XYZ said:

    I thought that Hydroxychloroquine plus Zinc was the fucking winning combination. Why aren’t they testing that?

    Same here. Thought that was always the deal but dont see reference to it in testing. 

    Know zinc has been hard to find. 

  12. On 6/4/2020 at 1:49 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    Also noticed that Highland Park Cafeteria, in Dallas, never actually in HP, and more recently in Casa Linda, is down for the count.  That place was SRO at lunch and dinner for like 30 years straight, maybe 50.  By most accounts it was head and shoulders above any of the chains. 

    It was flat awesome. Used to go to the one downtown in the mid-80s. 

    Definitely haz a sad about that. 

  13. Was between jobs working in a bookstore in Denver. Really bummed couldn't watch the game, obviously a big deal up there. 

    Huge roar goes up from the back room of the store so we knew something big happened. Great play. 

    Went out and blew our minimum wages thereafter. 

    And Michigan. Man their ability to less with more is on par with Texas. Incredible how little they have gotten out of all that talent over the years. 

  14. 11 hours ago, immortal13 said:

    Someone give me the Cliff Notes version of how he lost the captain's chair. I stopped watching this show a long time ago, once it became an obvious scripted soap-opera, but I always found his character interesting.

    Raging drug addiction, caught on film. Coast Guard will pull your ticket right quick for that. 

    Who knows what rock that guy is living under. Too bad because he seemed like he knew what he was doing out there. 

    • Like 1
  15. Was talking to a hoaxer yesterday. Amazing thought process going on there. 

    Now if you want to say the fear of reopening is caused by a nanny state mentality, I can go with that. Fucking mayor of Chicago took down all the basketball hoops citywide. Seriously. 

    If this comes back in fall as experts expect, I bet the best case is football gets going and then comes to a screeching halt in October. Kind of a worst case scenario. It sucks. 

    • Like 1
  16. When it comes to outbreaks in Texas, GA, and Florida, I will take my cue from national media. 

    If the coronavirus porn folks who seem to root for this to get worse in those states aren't blaring it across the front pages, it probably didn't happen. 

    Personally, I thought those states were light on lockdown and too early to open. Looks like I was wrong and I am damn happy about it. 

    • Like 5
  17. 4 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    Professor Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, revealed he had the 'greatest respect' for the Scandinavian nation, which has managed to suffer fewer deaths per capita than the UK.

    Ferguson is a clown. Google any of the myriad doom and gloom predictions he has made that never came close. Fuck that idiot. 

    I should imagine there are way more people moving through and about London than there ever could be in, say Stockholm over any given time. Extremely dense and mobile population with major international airport. 

    Same reason NYC was always going to be screwed. 

    Plus Sweden is coming under a lot of fire for its higher death rate relative to its neighbors so not sure they get a pass just yet. 

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