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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. The big leagues need suckers too unless you want to get beat the hell up all year just to lose in the playoffs. But still, could you cut a few schools a replace with better ones?…absolutely. Mississippi State is the 3rd smallest state in the P4 (behind Neb & WV) and is the #2 school in the state with the worst academics in the conference that isn’t on anybody’s travel wish list. The only thing they bring is a mid level rivalry with Ole Miss, a solid baseball program and a moderate sized football stadium that still only beats out a basketball school and a private school (I could make a similar post about Purdue in the Big Ten). So let’s cut MSU (won’t happen but let say we can) you don’t want to replace them with FSU/Clemson. Already 50% of the conference has won a national title in the BCS/CFP era. The Big Ten and ACC are only at 17%, the Big 12 is at 0%. Those two only make sense if you expand to 20. FSU/Clemson solidify your base and shut out competition, while you also expand with a pair of lesser schools as well. For a single addition you want a school that will bring new fans/eyeballs to the conference, potentially new markets for advertisers and recruiting, and other benefits like quality basketball, baseball, academics, or travel destinations for fans that also is contiguous to the current conference footprint. That really only leaves 2 options. #1 North Carolina (or if they go North with the B1G, NCSU), and #2 Kansas. Both have great basketball and as a result good sized fans bases despite lackluster football. Rivalry history with existing members, are good (not great) travel destinations in newish markets that grow the conference footprint, and both have unique color schemes and mascots (please no more red/near red colors or tigers in the SEC) and would slot somewhere into the lower half of the SEC hierarchy. While nobody would celebrate their addition to the football schedule but they would not morn the loss of MSU either and basketball would get a major boost.
  2. If you want to join the Big Ten then I have no respect for you. I was on board with the PAC16 but now over the years watching them go down the drain, it 100% clear that joining the SEC was the right move.
  3. And the best academic institutions in the Big 12 were? Kansas and ???? This argument was always dumb. Oklahoma was solidly in the top 5 in the 14 team Big 12, they might barely be top 10 in the 16 team SEC.
  4. Or just park and get in a nice walk for free, you could also flag down a pedicab for $10 and it would still be cheaper.
  5. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ain't https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alright
  6. Yep, Garza ain’t going to charge any of them with shit (if these are his to charge).
  7. Yes we know it’s literally in the wiki article I posted (I didn’t quote the whole thing) it’s also why I said this… Just was explaining why aggy put 13-0 on the dumb mascot.
  8. I didn’t argue that it wasn’t protected speech, only that I find this statement factually incorrect. “but there is nothing antisemitic about being against Israel, shouting at Jewish students, or even wanting to destroy Israel. “ Like you said racist speech is protected but it’s still racist.
  9. “One popular theory is that Cadets from Texas A&M stole the mascot to brand 13 – 0, which was the score the Aggies had won by the year before. Faced with that dilemma some UT student suggested combining the 1 and 3 to create a B, made an E out of the -, added a V, kept the 0 to create BEVO.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bevo_(mascot)
  10. I agree with this first part but you lose me here. If a white guys is yelling at only black people it is racist same would go for anyone targeting Jews. “Destroy Israel” yeah that doesn’t come off as antisemitic at all…
  11. You don’t know enough of the aggy bullshit lore and fairytales.
  12. So I can buy a rocket launcher then? I love this rule.
  13. Must be talking about meat judging. They are lucky Texas Tech is no longer in their conference.
  14. I saw multiple SEC fans doing that yesterday claiming Texas only got 11 because 3 of them were transfers. Loser mentality.
  15. That was everyone invited to the combine I believe.
  16. Business class is the way to go if you/your company can afford it, but on my last trip in Feb I could only get premium economy and it wasn’t as bad as I thought. But I would absolutely refuse to go if I had to fly basic economy.
  17. Bingo. If we assume it’s the Big Ten, SEC, and Big12 in a 3x24 setup with the ACC falling apart you’d have 22 spots in total maximum. That would be enough to take the new ACC+ND+PAC2+2 more like UConn/Memphis. That clearly won’t happen because it’s just diluting the product. I don’t see the SEC going past 20 and I doubt the Big Ten does either though they are more likely open to it than the SEC. My feeling is that we’ll see the Big Ten hold until they can get ND and then maybe Stanford, while the SEC will take FSU/Clemson/UNC/UVA when the opportunity arises. Then the Big 12 will take the top remaining 8 from the ACC. Miami, VT, NCSU, Pitt, Louisville, and Duke are sure things. The final 2 could be Syracuse and GT but I could see passing on GT (markets not as big of a deal anymore) and letting Yormark make a signature move on UConn (they did just win another). That lineup would be pretty salty with Miami, Oklahoma St, TCU, Utah, VT, K State and Pitt headlining the football side Duke, Kansas, UConn, Louisville, Baylor, Syracuse, and Houston headlining the basketball side, both with plenty of depth in between with teams like NCSU, West Virginia, Iowa St, BYU, Cincy, TX Tech, and Colorado.
  18. I work in Tech my wife works in health care finance, we BOTH took 12 weeks leave for each of our children and both got promoted within 12 months of returning (separate times). This is just anecdotal obviously, but the whole it sets your career back doesn’t seem to be as true as it once was. The hard part is going back to work and putting the kids in expensive daycare. Many I know had a hard time affording that and their job performance suffered while they struggled to take care of their kid and do their job all day. I think that’s a real problem that could use some legislation to help. I’ve always found it weird that we cover grade school with taxes but not daycare when both serve the same purpose.
  19. Anyone see a problem that we can’t have a legitimate discussion talking about awareness and education of scientific facts and it turns into a controversy somehow? You could debate the effectiveness but instead you attack the messenger. As someone who has been attacked from both the right and the left leaning posters on this site…stupid shit like this why our country is so damn divided. Which is a shame.
  20. Look at the picture. They don’t reference which conference we won. It just say “Conference Champions” now.
  21. The conversation is about population decline. Women control that far more than men in Western countries. The bare minimum you can do is to provide education/awareness. You want to go further, you can look to other Westernized nations which have government mandated maternity leave/benefits, subsidized childcare, child healthcare and even cash payments. None of those have been proven/confirmed to be effective (as the birth rate continues to drop), but I agree with @Celery Man that the bar people think they need to be at to “comfortably” start a family is higher than ever which is also concerning.
  22. Have any of you ever watched a PSA? Have you ever seen a PSA and thought Holy Shit I didn’t know that? No? Because generally people on here this site (with some major exceptions) have above average intelligence. Do you think we need PSA about being nice to people, not littering, that fathers are good? No, the majority of people don’t NEED these PSAs because we know these obvious things already. But still we run them anyway, in hope that young people hear this message early and often for the betterment of society. Argue that PSAs don’t work or are ineffective, but you can’t argue that people don’t know because there are very real examples of smart people making not smart decisions because society tells them there is no rush. For example… Here is a NYT op ed discussing why having a child later in life is no big deal and a WAPO article about a woman who believed all the rhetoric and ultimately was unable to have the child she always wanted. Maybe she would have trouble conceiving no matter what, but the sentiment that you can have it all on your own timeline is in stark contrast to science/logic/reality. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/opinion/prenatal-postpartum.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/national/wp/2018/01/27/feature/she-championed-the-idea-that-freezing-your-eggs-would-free-your-career-but-things-didnt-quite-work-out/ This has nothing to do with men. If a woman chooses not to have a kid then great, power to her. But if she wants a child, she should not start thinking about that at 35 and I’m still not sure how that is a controversial message since it is literally what every OBGYN would tell you.
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