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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. It seems real dumb to not just establish a 1-8-8 model. It would be easy to schedule and for fans to keep track of. The only reason not to do that is pairing today’s Colorado with Kanas or with Iowa State every year seems criminally wasteful. Still seems stupid to make a long term problem for short term gain.
  2. And you’re assuming they are making clearly logical choice. Chairman Xi has a ton of “Yes Men” around him, if he wants to go after Taiwan, they’ll confirm it’s a great idea regardless of what the eventual consequences are.
  3. Looking over the schedules, could be anytime on ABC, 230/Prime on FOX, the 230 window on ESPN, or the 11a/Prime window on FS1. SEC/B1G are already assigned so it’s basically just slotting the Big12/PAC12 games on FOX or ABC/ESPN with ACC. My guess: WVU/OU on FOX at 230 USC/Oregon on FOX at 7 TCU/Texas on ABC at 11 Utah/Washington on ABC at 230 Miami/FSU on ABC at 730 Duke/UNC on ESPN at 230 Baylor/KSU on FS1 at 11 Tech/Kansas on FS1 at 7
  4. “Yes, the game would be finished if it pushed late,” BYU spokesman Brett Pyne told Yahoo Sports via email. “A game involving BYU that starts on Saturday will be played to its completion if it happens to extend past midnight.” https://sports.yahoo.com/happen-lsu-vs-byu-game-extends-sunday-204703915.html BYU needed that late ESPN window from ESPN while they were independent. They weren’t going to not finish those games.
  5. It really is odds how segregated the ACC is setting up. You would have assumed either fewer rival or more crossover. I don’t get the Miami/VT pairing. I know they were Big East buds and in the same division but that doesn’t seem like a reason to keep it going. I also find it interesting that they brought back NCSU/Duke as an annual game but not UNC/WF (I get that would have given UNC 4 rivals) And finally, why does everyone hate Georgia Tech and Louisville? Seems weird to give them 8 different teams each year…
  6. I appreciate your sentiment, but I will not be joining you. Starbucks is overpriced sugar milk masquerading as coffee and McDonald’s is essentially poison.
  7. No, it has to be more than that. If they got rid of the stripes on the helmet and shoulder it likely wouldn’t be an issue.
  8. Brent Zwerneman has a template for this… “Texas A&M announced on Wednesday that it cannot play in the 4th annual Duke’s Mayo Bowl on Dec. 27 against Georgia Tech because of a COVID-19 outbreak on its team.”
  9. Which country below would you pick to be a be a Jew over a Palestinian in: Jordan Lebanon Syria Saudi Arabia Egypt Turkey Yemen Iraq Qatar UAE Iran Oman ?
  10. Honest answer. In Israel, a Palestinian. Outside of Israel a Jew.
  11. Seriously this is some 1984 bullshit reframing
  12. Yes this was my biggest complaint. The volume and occasional lulls in advertising were significantly better than the first few home games. Hope that wasn’t a fluke.
  13. Yes, but Acho is OUR attention whore.
  14. I went with the wife/kids to the pumpkin bullshit in Dripping last weekend, you know…during a bye week and during the solar eclipse. Learn from your mistakes young blood.
  15. That doesn’t seem like it’s worth interrupting a football game for. I could at least understand (not agree) the point of a pro Palestine protest, but this just seems odd.
  16. Take a look. There is a professional blue/white ACC sign (that has been at every Gameday this year) and I saw a similarly made sign for VT as well today. It’s been well documented that the ACC has been asking ESPN for more money but has only got some additional promotional considerations.
  17. The ACC bitched about the lack of ESPN promotion. They promised them some more commercials, a few more national broadcasts, and coverage on College Gameday. In addition to the Clemson flag and other manufactured signs for other schools plus an ACC sign that say “Conference of Greatness” being held up by ESPN employees at every location now.
  18. Hamas kills Israeli children intentionally and then hides behind Palestinian children for protection. If Israel acts children die, if Israel does nothing children die. If Israel acts they can end this cycle of dead children. If Israel does nothing this cycle will continue indefinitely. It is a horrendous situation all around, but this cycle cannot continue. Hamas existence = dead children
  19. Hamas literally beheaded multiple babies INTENTIONALLY! That was the fucking purpose that they had in mind when they did it. Not by accident or unintentionally by happenstance. They gave no warnings because that was their FUCKING GOAL. Israel warns the residents of Gaza to leave an area that they will be bombing/invading. Hamas blocks civilians from leaving and innocent people are killed. Hamas puts up pictures of these deaths and yells at evil Israel. There is no way to win. Hamas will not stop. They brutally attack and then call for peace and hide behind civilians and use their death (which they intentionally put in harms way) to advance their goals. This isn’t fucking War Games where Israel can chose not to play. Hamas is using morality and compassion as a weapon, and as soon as they get a cease fire they begin planning for their next attack. Let’s not even get into how completely idiotic it is to call for a cease fire after murders over 1000 people while still holding hostages and firing rockets at civilians populations every day.
  20. One side is murdering indiscriminately, raping teenagers, beheading babies, kidnapping elderly, torturing, calling families from loved ones phones and live streaming people from their grandmother’s Facebook account, launching rockets daily towards civilian populations, while oppressing and hiding behind their own civilian population in homes, schools, hospitals, and places of worship, diverting all money to the continuation of war crimes and then pointing them lying about every conceivable fact in order to condemn their “oppressors” and claiming “genocide” of themselves while actually publicly proclaiming their goal is genocide of the other. Hamas needs to go. Israel has no choice here.
  21. Just dropped by to say fuck Baylor.
  22. We agree on 90% I just think enforcement is the issue. FSU owns the stadium and can physically broadcast their games independently. They don’t HAVE to sue to get them back because they are them. Role play this out. FSU leaves the ACC and sets up a full independent schedule for 2025. Announces all game will be streaming PPV on FSU.edu including their home game against Alabama. The ACC still holds their GOR and ESPN shows up to broadcast the game but FSU doesn’t let them into the stadium. Someone is going to have to sue someone else because ESPN/ACC can waive a piece of paper around all they want but that doesn’t get their cameras into the stadium. That will take some sort of law enforcement with a court order.
  23. Almost tried to scan the QR code to see if it worked, but then realized what would happen if it did and decided against it.
  24. Yes the premise here was that FSU goes independent and broadcasts their own events without permission. Agree ESPN/FOX won’t want to get involved.
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