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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. Wyoming seats 30k and I can’t believe DeLoss made that deal for a 2-1. He must have killed an hooker and owed someone a favor or lost a game of poker or something. UCF had a brand new 44k seat stadium in the heart or Florida. SFA’s stadium seats less than 15,000, there is no way we would play there…maybe if they hosted it at NRG in Houston.
  2. Yep, going cashless is the new security. I can’t remember what restaurant I was at a few months back, but the staff no longer took cash at all. If you wanted to pay with cash you went to a machine at the front and put your cash in and bought a gift card, then the staff would pay your ticket with that. No change was provided. I’m sure the owners also make good money on unused money left on the cards as well.
  3. Awesome, the thread about population decline which is a subject that I am really interested in is very active today!
  4. I’m 100% for a SEC/ACC football challenge. 9 conference games 1 ACC challenge game 1 other P5 OOC game (B1G/B12/PAC) 1 guaranteed home game from the G5 That gets Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, and Georgia 6 home/5 away/1 neutral site and everyone else 7 one year and 6 the next. For the challenge, you lock in UF/FSU, UGA/GT, SC/Clem, UK/UL as permanent rivalries and then rotate the other 12. Obviously with the numbers, this would be unbalanced but rather than not including Vandy each year I could see ND being included in this agreement (especially if it’s mid season and not in the first 3 weeks). ND has recently played Texas, Georgia, Vanderbilt, Oklahoma and has games against aggy, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida on their future schedules. This would give ND its 9th predictable game: USC, Stanford, Navy, 5x ACC, 1x SEC…so they’d only need 3 more games basically just like every other school. This would also get ESPN 3 guaranteed Irish games each year and give ND more sure footing as an independent to hopefully keep them from jumping to the B1G. For #16 they could again just drop one SEC team but I’d hope they might ‘adopt’ Tulane for the challenge (former SEC member and ESPN owns the AAC’s rights too) to the ACC’s side to even out the numbers (if it had to be a true independent they could pull in UConn but Tulane has more interest due to their history and better football that makes them more attractive). Mock schedule: Bama/ND* Texas/UNC Oklahoma/Miami LSU/NCSU aggy/VA Tech Tenn/UVA Auburn/Pitt Arkansas/Syracuse Ole Miss/Tulane* Mizzou/WF MSU/BC Vandy/Duke
  5. I mean DPS was dumb but having a bad brake light is a completely normal traffic stop and if they smelled weed then searching the car is standard operating procedure. It appears they found trace amounts of marijuana so the citation was likely warranted. If it got thrown out for not properly conducting the search or testing the ‘substance’ then the girl is really lucky they were incompetent. I don’t see why this a noteworthy issue. If you don’t like marijuana being illegal then call your congressmen, donate and vote for reform. But until then the law is the law no use bitching about the enforcement of it.
  6. You’re comparing teams in polls that are happening before the SEC/B1G expand to 16. Do you really think a three loss Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, Auburn, Tennessee will be left out of the 12 team playoff for a two loss Pitt or Baylor? If one of those two teams lost to a blueblood like ND out of conference and went undefeated in conference play but lost the CCG…then sure, but short of that specific scenario I’d take a 3 loss SEC team over a 2 loss ACC/B12/PAC team. With 12 teams we really need to pay attention to SOS and Quality of Opponents for those at large spots. Conferences are not created equal, especially after this next round of realignment, The old way of thinking where sports writers would slot their polls in order of purely wins and losses for P5 teams with very little deviation should no longer be the norm. Assuming neither are champions in 2024, a three loss LSU should absolutely outrank a two loss TCU.
  7. Did you watch the video? You speak up in that situation and grab a dust pan and clean it, she’d say thank you for cleaning up your mess and then kick you off the plane for causing a disruption. That bitch wasn’t playing around.
  8. Again, unpopular opinion, could the flight attendant just clean up the fucking rice? Whoever spilled it is an asshole, but holding up ALL PASSENGERS for an hour and possibly delaying another flight as well? I don’t envy their jobs but it has very low entry requirements and mildly above average pay due to this exact type of bullshit. Maybe the airlines just need to invest in a Dyson for every plane, then maybe they’d just suck it up and get back to serving drinks.
  9. They haven’t said. I think the PAC fans are assuming it will just be included in AppleTV+ but are worried that they’d do the MLS premium model. They are hoping Apple will partner with ESPN for their Tier Two rights in order to get at least one night game a week too in order to cover the cost instead of the premium model. Here is a summary on what I’ve seen people hoping for on the PAC boards: Tier One #1 game of the week: AppleTV+ Friday showcase with a deal to joint simulcast the Friday CCG on ESPN. No real competition in that window so people may actually switch to Apple to watch. Tier Two #2/3/4 games of the week - joint Apple/ESPN. When ESPN has the #2 game it’s guaranteed to be on primetime ABC or 230/primetime on ESPN. When ESPN has #3 it’s late night. Apple #2/3 games goes on primetime or 230 avoiding competing with PAC games on ESPN. #4 game goes on ESPN/2 late kick window. Hoping by having Apple/ESPN cooperating with these rights that ESPN will buy a sub licensed Tier One game once or twice a year to showcase (like UO/UW) on ABC primetime (think Gameday showcase game). Tier Three #5+(think OOC and the 4 weeks they’ll have without conference byes) games goes on Apple avoiding other games when possible. So 4 games with 50% on linear ESPN but with Apple owning the big #1 game of the week and paying out $30million a year with ESPN for that deal.
  10. It’s not that tricky. TV deals don’t require a GOR. PAC12 gets a less than great TV deal that requires a GOR the others schools won’t sign it and their partners will have to deal without the GOR likely dropping the amount they are willing to pay. Apple may pay $31million for the whole package of PAC12 games but only with a GOR. Oregon refuses to sign and that number drops to $27million and puts in an renegotiation clause that reduces the value of the deal proportional to the value of any schools lost.
  11. I think he’s more right than wrong. Most of the remaining Big12 schools have never really recruited at an elite level. They might have grabbed a 4 stars or two on occasion but they mostly developed overlooked guys and load up on transfers. Still they have a deal with FOX and ESPN so they’ll continue to have the third most exposure after the B1G/SEC. If they get the 4C schools from the PAC they’ll have a great argument as the number 3 conference. ACC has more big time schools, but the B12 has more depth and more general fan support. If they somehow end up with Oregon and Washington then I think they would be a clear cut #3.
  12. Well…yeah, my geographic OCD would love nothing more than for the B1G to drop their LA dream, send Maryland back to the ACC and add MU, ISU, KU, KSU, ND, Pitt, Syracuse, UConn, BC and have a 24 team conference with every major football school in the Eastern/Central time zone above the Mason-Dixon Line/Missouri compromise. But as we all know that ain’t happening. Missouri doesn’t bring enough to the table. They only got a spot in the SEC because the SEC needed a 14th member to round out aggy and they passed the bar as being better than West Virginia.
  13. IIRC they just have to give 12 month’s notice. To avoid any complications they would have to withdrawal from the conference before July 1st. They could still pull out after it just opens them up for violating conference bilaws. If they don’t have a deal by then…
  14. I know BC sucks absolute shit right now but they (or UConn) have always been a dark horse candidate for the B1G in my mind. Notre Dame has lot of history with BC and Boston has some of the most ND fans in the country. The Big Ten also doesn’t have any coverage in New England which makes a BC/ND combo very appealing before you even consider thing like academics and hockey. Not sure what Missouri is doing on your list here.
  15. Yeah “no reason” at all…as season ticket holder, I love playing games against San Jose and Louisiana Monroe and hate games against USC and Notre Dame. People who WANT more shitty football games are pussies.
  16. First part of this segment touches on the “if you’re good, the NFL will find you” fallacy, which is what I was trying to explain as it relates to why the Big 12 pro days was a great idea.
  17. Jon Wilner blog article https://sports360az.com/2023/04/hotline-mailbag-worst-case-scenario-for-the-pac-12-outlook-for-oregon-and-uw-valuation-rumors-expansion-candidates-and-more/
  18. NYC is nearly 9 million people, NJ itself is #11 in population with over 9 million people, the CSA of NYC/NJ is over 23 million. The State of Maryland is 7 million and DC/Baltimore metro which includes areas of Northern Virginia is 10 million Penn State already had a claim on Philadelphia and their metro of 7 million but it was fairly weak but now with Rutgers/Maryland the Big Ten can basically claim (and will have metrics to prove) the entire area from DC to NYC as their footprint and will be able to charge additional carriage rates for their network. That will not happen with TCU. There is too much competition in Texas and SEC/Big12 will control the vast majority of the market share. With just TCU, I’m not even sure they could get in market rates in Dallas likely just Fort Worth. The top markets left to the Big Ten are San Francisco, New England/Boston, Atlanta, Miami (& Orlando indirectly), Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, Portland, Charlotte, Salt Lake, Kansas City. so PAC or ACC or Kansas.
  19. So we agree on most of your points however I think you’re off on UNC. UNC's Cunningham joins call for unequal revenue distribution among ACC schools
  20. That was not a PAC12 conference game. OOC games can vary wildly and aren’t something you can count on year to year so when comparing conferences you typically only count conference games.
  21. The PAC12 only had 2 top 5 conference games last year (omitting USC v UCLA) both were the 4th most watched games of the week. 1 of those featured an LA school (USC/Utah) and the other was Oregon/Washington and BOTH were over the air on FOX. note the Big 12 (omitting RRSO) had 4 top 5 conference games, 2 that did not include UT/OU (TCU/ISU and OSU/KSU) and 2 that included Texas. The ACC had 3 all Clemson games. Other than those 2, the PAC’s top rated game of the week included 2 #7 games (both featured LA schools and both were on FOX), 3 #8 games (1 LA, 1 on ABC-UO/OSU), and 3 #9 games (2 LA, 1 on FOX). And anything NOT on OTA on FOX/ABC was on ESPN late night window where they were the only P5 game and got a bonus bump which now is in competition with the Big 12 (Baylor/BYU was the third highest game in the late kick window this year). Take away their exclusive P5 late night window, FOX OTA, and the LA schools and they have no chance. This is their last big time contract. If they can’t get a good deal now they never will and in 10 years they’ll be significantly behind not just the SEC/B1G but also the B12/ACC.
  22. I agree completely. 3-6-6 is the obvious solution. Was just trying to understand why people think 2-7-7 works better other than “we don’t need to play Arkansas every year”.
  23. How does 2-7 work? Oklahoma and aggy every year then… year 1: Alabama, Miss St, Florida, Tenn, Mizzou, SC, and Arkansas year 2: Auburn, Ole Miss, Georgia, LSU, Vandy, UK, and NOT Arkansas?so who? To play everyone evenly it has add up to 15 (3-6-6=15 or 1-7-7=15). 2-7-7=16 Am I missing something here? Yes you could rotate teams but that seems like it would be more difficult on your home and away schedule and allows people to bitch and moan when they catch the toughest non rival team in that extra rotation 2 years in a row. It also would slowly over the years adjust the schedule. If they set it as a predictable repeatable rotation the SEC can make sure to try and balance home/away schedules for the conference members to try and avoid extremely tough schedules one year and weak schedules the next and give them good home schedules year after year. If you’re slowly adjusting the schedule by one team a year there is a chance that you end up with a home schedule of SC, UK, MSU, Vandy.
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