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Everything posted by jettrink

  1. This is first nfl game I have watched in three years. What is with this kick off bullshit?! Why don't they go out their in ballerina outfits with no panties on!
  2. UT-38.5 OSU-27.5 UT-427 yds If the vegas slugs can split points, so can I!
  3. Will Howard, our ole friend from ksu, will come out in the early second quarter as a paraplegic! That may or may not be good based on success rate against backup QBs.
  4. Yeah well, I heard Ricky and Jamaal were suiting up!
  5. UT-54 ASU-17 UT yds rushing-292
  6. UT-24 Clem-13 Clem total yds=256
  7. If I were the pigs, I'd keep a close eye on the hostel. He's probably there now fucking the girl that ask him to lower his mask.
  8. UT-37 ug-13 28-277 yds
  9. Arch woulda run that third down in for a td
  10. UT-34 aggy-13 256 yds passing
  11. UT-38 UK-10 547 yds
  12. Where's the prediction contest thread for this game?
  13. UT-15 UA-14 244 yds wr Arkansas announces they're moving to the big 12
  14. Son comes home crying from school Dad: What's wrong son? Son: I had to sit down in the spelling bee cause I missed a word. Dad: what word was it? Son: Passé Dad: No wonder you missed it, you can't even pronounce correctly!
  15. UT-21 UF-17 UF- 212 yds
  16. I voted today. Smooth as silk.
  17. UT-31 Vandy-28 passing yds-242 Pavia is for real!
  18. What FSU has never realized is that: nobody likes FSU, nobody cares about FSU, and everyone wants the whine-ass crybabies to drop football! PRONTO!
  19. UT-42 UGA-17 UGA total yds-287
  20. In other words, if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass.
  21. I think it all depends on the glass man. Quinn makes Colt look like Colossus! Not that I don't Arch will beat OU's ass, it just a matter of score. UT Quinn-56 OU-17 UT Arch-38 OU-24 UT-217 yds OU- 123 yds You figure the spread!
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