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Everything posted by jettrink

  1. 45-17 Bijan: 170 rushing 50 receiving 220 total Hook 'em Horns!
  2. Best ever!
  3. Well I'm going for my third J&J on Friday. I feel great. I only take J&J because I was bald as a billiard ball before the first one and now after two, I look like Jimmy!
  4. Fuck you in the ass, you sooner blowhard! See my handle, I've got more shit than you could ever dream of having. I have read your bullshit for years and I'm fucking sick of it! Get lost lost you social climbing piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Who gives a fuck dirt bugler
  6. Also, at least voting age to run for public office and a cap of 65 years old!
  7. 35 yo to buy a gun, 35 yo to vote! By then a person has a semblance of a functioning brain!
  8. Fuck Justin Thomas! The pga should not be classified a major.
  9. Well Tiger, if you can finish first, don't finish! What a jackass! HAHA
  10. Highjacked thread is highjacked. JFC!
  11. Which one of all the posted images is bamachick? Gotta be one of them, right?
  12. Where's your 1824 flag or the Republic of Texas flag, carpet bagger?
  13. Why don't you cut your micro penis off and shove up up your loose asshole. Then get the fuck outta a Longhorn message board! Better yet, go join your communist buddies in Ukraine comrade!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Little surfer, little one makes my heart come all undone
  15. I'm afraid in for shit folks. all dictators sound alike
  16. Sounds like Hitler to me.
  17. Aaron Rodgers face would best be observed under Abe Lemons' glass bottom pickup! Might improve his ugly ass looks.
  18. Yeah, those 6th round picks never amount to shit! Hear me Tommy?
  19. Seriously, I live in a shithole a 100 miles from anywhere. If it gets me, we are all finished. Good luck to us all
  20. Man, that's a cutie! I gotta get me some of those.
  21. Beautiful campus any way you slice, peel, or shuck it
  22. Typical native Texans, more guts than brains. Just kidding. I love you guys! Best of luck!
  23. How the fuck old is this pile of shit? Fuck jeff fisher!
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