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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jameslaw121

  1. We spent a week watching "navy" movies Started with: Master and Commander Then went with U-571 Hunt for Red October Crimson Tide Greyhound Seems like there were a couple others Finished with Down Periscope
  2. YES! Watched it twice already. Trying to think of any other movies that have come out since 2019
  3. I love the fact that I thought about making this thread and there already was one. I want to add: Darkest Hour Dunkirk
  4. "It's 11:00 in the morning. And OU still sucks... But Hezbollah blows!!!"
  5. Every year this team looks unstoppable, then looks like the Varsity Blues team after the strip club night. Only we don't get to watch "Hot for Teacher" or whip cream bikini scenes
  6. If it's all four of us (me, wife and 2 kids) we always take my truck for the room. If it is just us or maybe one kid we take her car because it gets twice the gas mileage.
  7. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/russias-ethnic-minorities-disproportionately-conscripted-to-fight-the-war-in-ukraine I understand the need to kill any Russian soldier they can. I'm not a fan of hitting civilians in Moscow. But, I may be wrong and probably am, but I have more empathy for the ethnic minorities than I do the civilians in Moscow. Moscow citizens remind me too much of the elites in Germany who knew what was happening turned a blind eye to the Holocaust. I think Putin is purposely using the certain groups as meatgrinder soldiers to effectively ethnic cleanse larger parts of Russia
  8. Without reading the indictments, could someone tell me or explain which laws were actually broken?
  9. Put it another way. If you only watched highlight videos for football on TexAgs, you would probably think they've won a NC more recently than 30 years before Pringles were invented. Videos can be just as easily cast into a certain point a view as any other medium.
  10. When the game is advertised as starting at 7:20, would be great if it started near that time.....
  11. Lets see. A) Get people from the poor parts of the Nation, not anyone of importance B) Put them in an impossible ever changing situation.
  12. I know most people had a lot better game day food. But this was our choice for my wife and two kids during the UT game. We went through 4 trays during the game.
  13. I don't know why, but I always pictured drones being faster then a helicopter.....
  14. If I'm vacationing with my family or something, we're probably going out a night or something. But if it's a business trip. t ice is going into a glass of whiskey as soon as I get back to the room and don't have to talk to a damn person for a few hours.
  15. That one never did it much for me personally but: Beginning of Saving Private Ryan where the grandfather starts bawling in front of the gravestone with his family at Normandy The end of Stand By Me "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" Toy Story 3 - when Andy gives Woody away.
  16. I'm beginning to think all those Tom Clancy books I read weren't fully based in reality.... Or maybe they should have let Marko's wife get cancer treatment un the US . That was their downfall
  17. @Knoxtnhorn My daughter (5 yo) came into the living room last night crying. Went to mom and said "I tripped over my Barbie car and hurt my knee" After she left Me : "She's going to grow up just like you." Wife " Why? Because, I'm clumsy?" Me "No, because she's five and has already wrecked a car!" ....tone....
  18. I'm with you on the pepperoncini. I love jalapenos, but my stomach can't take them very often anymore.
  19. I can't drink nine of anything with carbonation, but if we switched that to a 9 shots and 9 of the cheap hot dogs then I'm in
  20. When surly went down the other day. My first thought. Oh shit I hope I have a copy of that Dude in Waco's bus ride to look at Christmas lights Montage!!! After all the Thanksgiving stuff is done and the kids are in bed, I pour a whiskey and read that story again. And each time I wind up crying laughing so hard that my wife makes me read it to her. While I'm still laughing and while she is staring at me like i've lost my damned mind
  21. At this point, there should be no reason that an officer can't have dash or body cams running the entire time. If you get a speeding ticket, you should be able to request the videos. If they can't produce it, then the ticket should automatically be dismissed. Once you take away the revenue, I bet they figure out how to make them operational 100% of the time
  22. I had no idea about this website. Thanks for sharing. Also, Mobstyle executions by people who get our tax money sucks
  23. Probably the same ones in charge of debate prep.....
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