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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jameslaw121

  1. I think Fareed Zikaria's opening monologue today starts with "Holy Fucking Shit..."
  2. If I remember correctly, that was one of the reasons the US did that. To take control of the plutonium before it fell into the hands of Iraq o North Korea or Dr. Emmett Brown
  3. I was wondering that as well. The 640 Billion just seized from the Russian Central Band would be useful in the Ukraine Central Band about now
  4. I'm assuming Raf said "No thanks. If it doesn't work, ask Putin for the money."
  5. Judging from what he's tweeted so far, he is probably been given the ok to tweet these things
  6. yeah, because they would have gotten lost and wound up in Lativa on the way. But somehow it would be their husband's fault.
  7. My wife ordered that for me for Christmas - haven't had a chance to start it yet
  8. While we;re on the subject? Favorite books? I have to say Lords of the Realm K: History of Baseball in 10 Pitches
  9. I'm pretty sure threatening to blow up a nuclear reactor will scare our European Allies alot more than Putin
  10. She really is. When we were first dating (about 4 months or so), I told her I always take off opening day, go to a bar, and watch all the games. (She didn't know anything about baseball at the time). She suggested finding a bar near her apartment and she would drive since she doesn't really drink much. She told me to find a bar. She lived in Frisco. Knowing nothing about bars in Frisco, I found this place called Wild Pitch Sports Bar. Figured they would have the games on. Called to make sure they would have the Rangers game on speakers. We walked in about 11:30. I was looking up at the TV's tying to figure out where to sit. Sit down and ordered a drink. and only then did I notice that the women waitress were dressed basically in panties on bra. Me :"I don't know if I can find another place to go before the Rangers game starts." her : "It's fine. Look all you want. You're coming home with me. But I'm gonna get you a pen out of the car, you don't need to touch where those pens have been.."
  11. Don't remember alot of games at Turnpike. But I remember seeing for Ranger and Longhorn and Brownwood great Jerry Don Gleaton pitch once. My dad and granddad were his little league coaches in elementary school. Best and worst in the Temple was Beltre's 3,000th hit. He was sitting on 2998, Saturday night. Which was also my bachelor party. Tried to keep track but I was pretty fucking hammered. Next morning, my now wife called me around 11. Waking me up from my slumber on the bathroom floor where my groomsmen deposited me the night before. "Are you still asleep? Get dressed. He only got one hit last night. I already bought us tickets." It was awesome to see. but it was also 104 degrees outside in the sun and I felt like I was going to die
  12. Yeah, I stopped going around that time too. Probably 12 years ago. Then we went around Thanksgiving - more to just get out of the house and it sucked big time.
  13. I find totinos make a nice base to add shit to. I usually ass some japs and bacon.
  14. Try Deep Cuts at Coit and Belt Line. There used to be local ranchers at the Dallas Farmers Market too, but I haven't been down there in a while. We went to the Dallas Farmers Market a few months ago. It s awful. It's basically turned into a hipster gift shop. Really couldn't even find good veggies or fruits. The McKinney and Frisco ones were better
  15. I may have to do that half cow from Muenter. Thanks!
  16. What about a butcher that only sells locally (or I guess) texas raised meat?
  17. I was really trying because the tomatoes weren't that juice. I guess they're just out of season, but the last few times I've been to Market Street or Sprouts. They've been very bland. I think Sauerkraut is one of the many food that sucked as a kid because it had no flavor. But then I had some about 15 years ago at the Bavarian Grill in Plano and now I go through a jar about once a month. Still trying to find a brand I really like though
  18. So....anyway.. Anyone know where I could get locally raised meat and skip the 4 major meat processors? In the DFW area
  19. Last night's BLT. Threw some sauerkraut on it. Because fuck it Sent from my SM-A515U using Tapatalk
  20. We order all our non plants/meats from Target drive up. I go pick it up while she watches the kids. Then I go to Market Street for the other stuff. In between in a two drink minimum stop at Lion and Crown
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