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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jameslaw121

  1. I just did the exact same thing....
  2. All of it. I'm eating at Motherfucking McDowells!
  3. I finally caved last night. And it turns out she's right and this made absolute logical sense. Turns out, after I leave, Wife(who works from home) puts the dogs and one set of bowls outside until they start whining. Then in for half an hour, then back outside. This way she can have one set inside and one outside. Then she brings the bowls in at night so that racoons or rats don't find them (we back up to like this wooded alley thing). Me : Wow. That makes perfect sense. Her : Then better damn well put that on your fucking football forum, too
  4. On the dog bowl situation. I was sweeping the other day noticed that we have two water bowls and two food bowls for the dogs in the kitchen. We have three dogs. I would fully understand if we had either 3 water bows and 3 food bowls. Or one of each. But I honest to god have been wondering about the math for like a week now.
  5. I had this random rewards point on that would give me like .05 off for every like $150 I spent. But A) There were no shell stations near me and B) It was connected to my card that I use for work expenses. Noticed there was a shell station on my way to drop off my daughter with my mom so I met her there. Filled up both cars for like $2.00
  6. Or when they're out of receipt paper at the pump and I have to go in to get a copy. (for my work vehicles, not my personal one)
  7. I think it depends on the team. If you're the Yankees or the Dodges: Pennant and WS only. If you're the Mariners, as soon as you clinch a wild card spot. If you're a Rangers fan (as I am) win #81 in the regular season seems like a good milestone.....
  8. It is. The other morning, I was taking one of the kids to school, which I almost never do. Reached into the freezer to grab a frozen waffle. Grabbed the last two, pulled the box out to throw away and found 4 nice rib eyes I had vacuumed sealed while drunk and forgotten about. I was happy
  9. Noach with left over chicken Sent from my SM-A515U using Tapatalk
  10. Registry wasn't a problem for me. I told her I wanted to an expensive set of knives. Other than, I would rather buy my own stuff. Butttttt........that leads to another story. As I mention above we moved a week or two before we got married. We had registries at like 5 stores. Guess what shipping address she used for people who had them shipped: A) the brand new house we moved into? B)The ghetto ass apartment we lived in for like 2 months while our house was getting ready?
  11. I realized my typo, but I can't guarantee I didn't say it just like this
  12. Actually I managed to stay pretty well clear of it. I think the only things she made me do is decide the grooms cake and what the groomsmen and I were wearing after she narrowed it down post bridesmaid shopping. In fairness though, we also bought and moved into a house about a week before we got married, so I was dealing with most of that anyway
  13. My now wife and I discussing wedding stuff. Me :We will have alcohol and I will choose the music. Everything completely up to you, your mom and whoever else you want to ask. We will have alcohol and I will choose the music. Otherwise I don't care Her: What colors do you- me :WE WILL ALCOHOL AND I WILL CHOOSE THE MUSIC. END OF DISCUSSION
  14. One of the good things about covid. I do all the grocery shopping now. I do most of the meal planning and about half of the cooking, depending on my work schedule. My wife orders the non perishable stuff on Targets drive up. Every Sunday, I leave the house at 10:45 - stop by a local bar for two drinks, then Market street for the groceries, Target Pick up, fill up her car with gas. Almost have it timed perfectly for me to be back home right when kick off happens. She's happy because everything is done and she isn't driving on empty. I'm happy because I got my drinks and am free to relax for the rest of the day.
  15. I just took a dive into his twitter account. That guy is a lunatic
  16. Are you saying a -1.1 in 15 starts is bad???
  17. My wife lost her stick of deodorant last Sunday. Wednesday night, I was making myself a nice BLT, went to get some hot sauce out of the fridge. Deodorant was in the fridge behind the Franks Hot Sauce........
  18. Pretty much any place that has two part authentication that isn't a financial institution. Look Chipotle, I really don't care if someone charges my card for a fucking burrito
  19. My god. this can sustain me for days without food or water
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