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Certifiably Surly
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Lurch last won the day on April 21 2019

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6009 Surly 1%

About Lurch

  • Birthday December 19

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  1. If you see this just point them here. The fix is known
  2. About a day. Chris at tapa.
  3. No, they say they’re working on that
  4. Yeah that doesn’t go away, just 3rd party ads FWIW Chris at Tapatalk said he’s convert if we had our Pro receipt. I couldn’t find mine. That was like a full decade ago when we all bought it
  5. Yeah reg tapa works fine. Actually better than Pro which I guess wasnt getting updated How about now?
  6. For all users or just Tree Fiddy?
  7. At first I saw them too, but they disappeared and haven’t come back. I don’t remember what changed but think I may have initially been logged out but then logged in.
  8. The greater good?!? You actually wrote that. I’m embarrassed for you. Jesus you’re a beating you sanctimonious prick
  9. Jesus Christ you’re a whiny pussy. You had to scroll past a few long cats, the HORROR! Grow up It’s solved. The adults in the room have moved on.
  10. FYI, they’re actively working on a fix for this X/Twitter Links Not Working https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?share_fid=90&share_tid=48082&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Etapatalk%2Ecom%2Fgroups%2Ftapatalksupport%2Fviewtopic%2Ephp%3Ft%3D48082&share_type=t&link_source=app
  11. No, imma pays them to not insert ads on this site, so all good
  12. Nope. I don’t think every site is worse than its app counterpart and didn’t say that. Of the businesses I work with, the apps are superior. I honestly don’t understand the butthurt over this. Why in the hell do we have website-stans? It’s fucking weird
  13. Yeah VIP is just a regular Tapa thing. It was never even mentioned in Pro. I didn’t know it existed until today
  14. It's done. It's over. You can go now go share your meaningless opinion on music threads about artists you don't listen to, books you havent read and watches you dont own.
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