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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Lurch

  1. Ice cream surrounded by a chewy rice-based substance. 
    Doesn't make any sense, but that doesn't matter one bit. 
    Buy some next time you're at the store. Give it a minute or two out of the freezer before you eat it for maximum texture enjoyment. 

    I thought 0% chance they’d have that at my store in Florida (they put tortillas in the “ethnic food aisle”) but sure enough…


    I’ll give it a try!
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. I’d have to assume commodity at this point. There’s nothing sophisticated in a base model (don’t really need slope or vibration reduction) and I’d assume even the cheapo brands do their single task well enough? That said, my bushnell is like 15 years old and behaves/looks identical to when it was brand new.

  3. Haven't played the north ones on that list in a while.  Falconhead is usually pretty good.  Lost Pines used to be my absolute favorite in the area.  It's gone way, way downhill IMO.  I played their last spring.  $185 and it was not in good shape and the service sucked.  Plus they ding you for parking which is just annoying.  
    My votes would be Avery, Star and Falconhead.  

    They charge you for parking now? If so, holy shit no
  4. Not so much a random thought, more like a random question...
    My 15th wedding anniversary is coming up next week. What should I get her?
    (Other than the plain ass $2,500 Van Cleef earrings that she really wants)

    Break the cycle of expectations. The annual gift traditions are bullshit. Better to address it now than wish you had 10 years from now.
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  5. What’s your move when a regular in your group develops a freeze over the ball while struggling to get their swing back and now, routinely, takes an excessively long time to pull the trigger?

    I only see him immediately before our weekly round and don’t want to get in his head pre round or during it. I’m thinking I need to bring it up immediately post-round this weekend. Another regular took a video a few weeks back and sent it to him “to help evaluate his swing” but he completely missed the point and his only takeaway was that he was over swinging. Face palm.

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