These legit high level events really give me a perspective of where my game is at. Much like shot taking in big cash games it’s always a slap in the face of reality when I’m clearly one of, if not the, weakest players at the table. First, it’s fairly obvious when you’re being targeted. We all see it, know it, and feel like there’s not much you can do about it short of either taking some questionable risks or nitting it up, both of which suck in a $5k buyin! It’s also interesting when you’re just a spectator in a hand and you see cards revealed at showdown that are well outside the range you anticipated. I often find myself asking if I ever could have taken that line as successfully as they did. Finally, the number of 3bets and 4bets I saw was astounding yesterday. Happened virtually every hand with an EP raiser. I was also surprised how frequently I would see 2x opens (perhaps a big contributor to the 3bets) and even open limps. One guy would then just randomly open 5-6x, often still getting 3bet! It was wild to watch