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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. This is my impression. If you have nothing to hide, let the other party continue to expose it.
  2. Press and hold on a thread with multiple mentions like the one below and you can quickly follow everyone mentioned. Very nice for follow Friday posts https://www.threads.net/@aaronparnas/post/CwqXVfFupat/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
  3. Surnames starting with B are grossly over represented on the House floor.
  4. I was wondering why we needed speeches again, but I’m glad Pete Aguilar was able to give this one
  5. They’ve started the MUG wait list 3+ weeks in advance and it’s already 60 deep. It’s going to be a cluster
  6. I’d guess pups are no more likely to stare at an eclipse than they are at the naked sun
  7. Button straddle kills more action than it creates in my experience. Blinds are much more likely to fold when they have so many players left to act behind them. At Bestbet it’s only allowed in time games ($5/10+). All others are UTG only.
  8. I'm pretty sure the problem is that someone has to jump on the continuing resolution hand grenade. It's a thankless task and whoever is in charge Nov 15 will be vilified on Fox and their families will be threatened by MAGA*. *but not single issue Abortion voters, if I'm doing that right
  9. That's me. 25 years in leadership roles burned me out on it so I specifically looked an IC role which I found in my current gig. Life's to short for that stress and drama. Of course, I've been sucked back into a management role "short term to fill a gap" anyway. /facepalm I've seen so many examples of the peter principle I've lost count. My experience is though I've been absolutely surrounded by highly intelligent individuals (software), many people just don't naturally orient themselves around others, making training/mentoring/strategizing/directing/delegating/leading difficult to execute well. Mistakenly thinking everyone lives/works/thinks like you sets you up for failure as a leader. Happens all the time.
  10. My course, Jax Beach, is the perfect walk. 6 miles, almost completely flat other than features. I beat my playing partners in carts to nearly every tee box. Bought my own push cart for maximum features. Key to the push cart game in the summer is a solid umbrella for shade. I love having total flexibility with my full bag available around the green. Burn 1500 calories a round and get in 2-3 of the per week.
  11. Probably. I’m also going to take a few shots at satelliting into the main. Should be a massive event for us
  12. Ooof Casino giant MGM expects $100 million hit from hack that led to data breach https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/05/business/mgm-100-million-hit-data-breach/index.html
  13. Isn't it just that they didnt lay off people at near the magnitude that we did? https://www.elibrary.imf.org/view/journals/087/2022/004/article-A001-en.xml "A Comparison of Dynamics in Advanced Europe versus the United States Most of the labor market adjustment in the United States in 2020 occurred through employment (“extensive margin”). The decline in total hours worked-of about the same magnitude as during the GFC-was entirely driven by employment, which dropped by an unprecedented 12.3 percent year over year in 2020Q2. In the same quarter, the number of unemployed workers more than tripled and the unemployment rate jumped to an unprecedented 13.0 percent, even though labor force participation declined. Over the whole year, on average, US employment fell by 6.2 percent and the unemployment rate increased by 4.4 percentage points, compared to a decline of 1.4 percent and an increase of 0.4 percentage points in EU-27, respectively."
  14. The new Mac OS, Sonoma, introduces facetime reactions into video calls of other services (google meet, zoom, etc). These reactions can not only be triggered with a click, but can ALSO be triggered by making certain hand gestures on video. This is a cool use of video technology, unless you are unaware of it and in the midst of a particularly dour discussion you subconsciously/unintentionally make a "V" sign with your hand which then automatically triggers FUCKING BALLOONS to show up on your video for the other participants to see. FUCK.
  15. Man, I feel this. At the start of COVID our neighborhood (~125 families) thought it would be cool to invite a different food truck once a week as a win/win. At first, it went incredibly well. Everyone felt good about spending money with them (and they were truly, openly grateful), while also getting a nice quality meal for our families. After a while, though, the demand dried up and the organizer started pleading with the neighborhood to start showing up or the trucks would no longer bother coming to us. A reasonable outcome that frankly was probably warranted. The reason we stopped going was the prices stayed "questionably" high even as COVID wained while the food seemed to lose it's uniqueness and edge. At some point, I was just paying people a premium to throw together a burger that wasn't really any different than I could have whipped up with minimal effort or just gone to any local restaurant and at least had some service come with that price tag. And, yeah, the tip is weird. Really any time I'm tipping the *owner* of the business seems off to me.
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