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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Paging @bookman … don’t leave us hanging
  2. “Clean BBQ grill” = “let’s see how hot I can get it today” at my house
  3. Justifying abhorrent behavior by claiming *it’s actually good* for the victims is surprisingly on topic for this thread.
  4. I’m about to do this next week. Our first ever cruise, but third trip to Hawaii. Will report back on trashiness factor, but I’m guessing it’s pretty low for the reasons you suggest, and also because alcohol isn’t included in the F&B packages (due to Hawaiian law?)
  5. Did he purposefully show? If so, what’s going on there? Who does that other than angle-shooters and totally confused newbs?
  6. They could easily squeeze it in the time period when Barry was in OK
  7. Yeah, one of the talking heads asked a panel yesterday what if Nauta flips, and the response was that the govt no longer needs him to. His best bet at this point may be to simply ride the Trump coattails in hopes of a hung jury.
  8. What do we think of BB? Most semi competent players in BB's shoes would raise pre vs a button opener with AT-AK. If we can eliminate those from his range, then we know a) we have him absolutely crushed and b) he's going to have a very hard time folding. I'm guessing hero opened to $10 and BB called, so $20 pot, pre-flop. Then Hero cbet $10 and got called on flop, so now $40 pot. On the turn, I want to bet before any scare cards come on the river that would give him an easier fold. Feels like we need to act like we're on a draw, but in that case we'd almost always check through this turn since he showed the table the Ace. Super tough decision here. I think we're now in a polarized situation where we're either getting a fold if we bet or we have someone willing to make a big mistake. There may not be much middle ground. Let's target those capable of making the big mistake and throw out $50.
  9. at 1:40 you can hear them laughing and running away
  10. My guess is that this is a pretty funny backstory. There's obviously a finite list of quality local attorneys and I'm sure Nauta deferred to the Trump team to go through that list to find Trump's attorney first. Depending on how deep on that list he went, he likely made Nauta's task incredibly difficult as I doubt any of the attorney's that told Trump "no thanks, we're...uh... busy" would then turn around and take on Nauta.
  11. There's a bit of gamesmanship to it, it would seem. The prosecutors didnt ask for this as now it forces them to show some of their cards in terms of who is most likely to be called as a witness. Regardless of the list, he's not to talk to ANY witnesses about the case. The list is just those he's supposed to avoid *all* contact with.
  12. No bail, no travel restrictions. Judge wanted to limit his conversations with witnesses, but defense objected due to the volume and nature of them. Plaintiffs must come back and present list of witnesses they want him to limit contact with.
  13. Nobody was after them. The knock was real but it shows them overreact to an otherwise innocuous event, probably the neighbor kid pranking them
  14. Yep. There’s no hint of magic left for Florida.
  15. And now Vegas is 1 for 14 on Florida power plays
  16. Sally’s alcohol/PTSD induced hallucination Reminder
  17. Look at those crazy eyes. We all know exactly what the fuck
  18. I had a similar experience on it. Still one of the greatest times I’ve ever had playing, regardless
  19. It’s fun. Just a flatter prize-pool structure which a you have full approval to bitch about if you finish top 10… otherwise you probably greatly benefited from that structure!
  20. Wynn's poker room is possibly the best run anywhere and there are plenty of whales any time of day. Obviously, there are also a shit ton of pros, but that's just the game. They, too, are running a poker series right now thats worth considering. As a bonus, during the daytime hours you get to watch scantily clad ladies come and go from their pool club right next to where they host tournaments. https://www.wynnlasvegas.com/casino/poker
  21. If you're not playing any WSoP events, I'd strongly suggest getting in one of their daily tourneys. Outside of that, Wynn has the best room since its impossible to get a seat at ARIA these days. MGM tends to run soft, but on the downside you're at MGM.
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