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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Ankle or waist weights?
  2. I had my car for eight years before I realized what the auto hold button was for. what a horribly named and marketed piece of technology. In my wife’s truck it’s actually labeled Auto H.
  3. One of the (many) benefits of owning an elliptical machine, if you're willing to consider it. Being able to control resistance becomes more and more important as you continue your weight loss, as your body becomes more efficient in exercising (plus you weigh less, so you're easier to move). I don't think I could have been so successful at this without mine.
  4. Yeah, but they’ll all be laughing at us when they start their robo cab companies in 2060
  5. Mastadon has been viable for years.
  6. Carpet? What is this, 1980?
  7. Universal and water parks perhaps?
  8. Potential bucket list course. Must play
  9. He thought it was an invitation
  10. FWIW, I understand the current belief is that 6-8 sets per week on a given muscle is really the max you'll get benefits from. Adding additional sets may have some additional benefit, but its fairly negligible and probably not worth the effort, particularly if it interferes with recovery. Just something to think about if you do start considering that 4th gym day
  11. I’m considering just targeting 177 lbs rather than 185 so that my non diet daily weigh ins will be around 185
  12. Do you know how many prior events we described the same way? On Mastadon, you can see new user spikes with each event, and there have been like a dozen so far. The vast majority of his base just keeps their head down and hope he targets someone other than their group with his next insane decision. It’s fucking Stockholm Syndrome in digital form. His users keep justifying why they stay (ROI! Audience!) as he beats the living shit out of them. Fascinating
  13. My diet break data has been interesting to look at. On April 10 I started my two week break and was at 204.2 Within the first week on break it spiked up to 210 and eventually maxed at 211.3 on April 22. From April 24-May 1 as I resumed the regular 2 lb/week diet, it plummeted to 203.2, suggesting I probably only gained 1 real pound of fat during that two week break, then burned it plus one additional pound last week. Pretty good evidence that the first 5-6 lbs gained when I stop dieting is quickly abandoned water and gut weight once I start again. Macanudo, this correlates well with your data, too. Suggests your likely operating right on target with 2-3 lbs of fat lost in addition to that excess water/gut weight.
  14. Though they deny it, I’m convinced the voice over guy for the ondeck.com commercials is Dave Grohl.
  15. It’s a beautiful story and you tell it so well … on a platform that explicitly promotes hate groups … which you fund, both directly and indirectly by driving ad revenue. But, again, cool story bro. Congrats on the exposure.
  16. No half measures.
  17. Ah misread that as Q4 suited. Yeah Q4o is an instafold. Let’s “make plays” in position with suited hands that allow us to semi bluff cbet when flop gives us a draw. Q4o will almost never give you anything to semi bluff with
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