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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Exactly. If you expect honest answers when they plan to run again, you’re missing the point of why they even did the interview
  2. Trump wants the opportunity to give a speech on the courthouse steps. He’s going voluntarily and meatball Ron knows that. All bark
  3. Guest on CNN says 34 counts of falsifying documents, likely multiple counts per a number of different documents
  4. You need to mess with tallow stuff.
  5. Is this mother fucker really in here minimizing the damage done by AR-15s to children?!?! What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?
  6. I had a lunchtime range session today that was so good that I went back for another a few hours later. Compressing a golf ball is addicting when you figure it out and realize what you’ve been missing for 30 years…
  7. Female shooter. Don’t recall the last one of those
  8. Someone captured it last night
  9. Alcohol: Contributes to 3+ million deaths per year. Modelo Lawyers: We need to put “Do not attempt” on screen when that grandma pulls the tortilla from her pan with her bare hand in our commercial
  10. Damn. I’ll read up on that.
  11. Looks to be about 50% more expensive per serving. Any reason it’s worth that other than taste for you?
  12. Fudge brownie gets the edge over cocoa pebbles for me, though it’s still damn good. I’ve got both choc peanut butter and strawberry on the way. This has been quite an enjoyable taste-off so far
  13. I get my 20# tanks refilled for $20 at Ace Hardware
  14. When you miss a 15” putt, be sure to bury a 15 footer on the next hole.
  15. Nightmare fuel for Scottie on #17
  16. Because they’re quoting what the police chief called him
  17. Looked like a pretty boring pool IIRC
  18. Get on the right “potential whale” list and Beau Rivage will fly you out for a weekend. I got two great trips out of them before the offers stopped
  19. I haven’t been in years, but the comp nights were usually only avail Mon-Wed. And even then they’d charge a resort fee. Still not a bad deal if you play poker, though that game has died a lot since poker in Texas took off. If you golf, the courses were great. Just don’t play slots, craps, bj, etc and you win. They’ll stop inviting you once they see it’s negative ROI.
  20. Well at least his son wasn’t a dark skinned commie
  21. Even though they are both poor players, you still made the right lay down. Most of the time you’re proper fucked with that action on that flop.
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